Pinpoint Test N: DTC B2061, B2062, B2063, B2064, B2065, B2066, B2067, B2068, B2069, B2070, B2071, B2072, B2073-Valve Solenoid OvertempTest N1:
Test N2:
Normal Operation
When the ignition is turned to the ON position, the solenoids are set to the maximum ambient temperature stored in the ABS module from the last ignition switch cycle. The temperature of the solenoid is updated every 6 milliseconds. This temperature is an estimate based on the amount of time the solenoid is on or off. Temperature increases with the solenoid on and decreases with the solenoid off. Once the temperature reaches 220°C (428°F), a DTC is set.
Possible Causes
^ ABS module
^ wheel speed sensor(s)
^ ABS module calibration
^ ABS module configuration