Rear Disc BrakeSpecial Tool(s)
WARNING: Use of any other than approved DOT 3 motor vehicle brake fluid will cause permanent damage to brake components and will render the brakes inoperative. Failure to follow these instructions may result in personal injury.
WARNING: Brake fluid contains polyglycol ethers and polyglycols. Avoid contact with eyes. Wash hands thoroughly after handling. If brake fluid contacts eyes, flush eyes with running water for 15 minutes. Get medical attention if irritation persists. If taken internally, drink water and induce vomiting. Get medical attention immediately. Failure to follow these instructions may result in personal injury.
CAUTION: Brake fluid is harmful to painted and plastic surfaces. If brake fluid is spilled onto a painted or plastic surface, immediately wash it with water.
CAUTION: Do not allow the brake master cylinder reservoir to run dry during the bleeding operation. Keep the brake master cylinder reservoir filled with DOT 3 motor vehicle brake fluid. Never reuse the brake fluid that has been drained from the hydraulic system.
1. Remove the rear wheel and tire assemblies.
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2. Remove the parts in the order indicated in the following illustration and table. To remove individual parts, only carry out the listed steps:
3. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
4. If the hydraulic system has been opened, bleed the brake system. For additional information, refer to Brake System Bleeding.
5. Inspect the brake system for correct operation.
Item 2: Brake Caliper Removal Note
1. CAUTION: Do not allow the brake caliper to hang by the flexible brake hose.
Support the caliper to the vehicle.
2. If removing the brake caliper, remove the parking brake cable end from the parking brake lever arm.
3. If removing the brake caliper, disconnect the parking brake cable and conduit from the brake caliper.
Item 9: Brake Disc Shield Removal Note
1. To remove the dust shield, remove the rear wheel hub assembly.
Item 8: Brake Disc Installation Note
1. Use metal brake parts cleaner, clean the front brake disc and hub surfaces of any rust or debris.
2. CAUTION: Make sure to apply a thin coat of anti-seize lubricant to the hub flange only. Do not allow the lubricant to make contact with the wheel studs, brake pads or brake disc.
Apply a thin coat of anti-seize lubricant to the wheel hub flange.
Item 4: Slippers Installation Note
1. NOTE: Make sure the spring clip tabs point away from the brake disc.
Install the spring clips with the brake pads.
Item 3: Brake Pads Installation Note
1. CAUTION: Only install new brake pads if the lining is not within specifications. Install new pads in complete axle sets.
One brake disc pad kit contains the pads required for both sides.
2. If replacing the brake pads, use a suitable suction device to remove the brake fluid from the master cylinder reservoir until it is half filled.
3. CAUTION: Make sure the slot in the caliper piston lines up with the locating pin on the brake pad. Failure to line up the locating pin with the slot will cause uneven brake pad wear.
If replacing the brake pads, use the special tool to retract the brake caliper piston into the caliper bore.
Item 1: Brake Caliper Bolt Installation Note
1. Tighten the bottom caliper bolt and then the top caliper bolt.
Item 8: Brake Disc Inspection Note
1. NOTE: If machining is necessary use a hub-mount brake lathe to machine the rear brake disc. For additional information, refer to Brake Disc Machining.
Measure the rear brake disc and resurface as necessary. Install a new rear brake disc if beyond specification.