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Vehicle Identification Number


Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Tag Locator:

The vehicle identification number (VIN) is a seventeen-digit combination of letters and numbers. The VIN is stamped on a metal tab riveted on the instrument panel, top upper left of the dash. The VIN is also found on the vehicle certification (VC) label.

Vehicle Identification Number

World Manufacturer Identifier:

The first three vehicle identification number (VIN) positions are the world manufacturer identifier.
- FM - Ford Motor Company, USA, multi-purpose vehicle

Brake Type and Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR):

The fourth VIN position is the vehicle brake type and gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) code, all vehicles use hydraulic brakes and driver and front passenger air bags.
- C - 4,000-5,000 pounds GVWR with driver and front passenger side impact air bags
- Y - 4,000-5,000 pounds GVWR without driver and front passenger side impact air bags
- 8 - Hydraulic brakes - 4,680 pounds GVWR - driver and front passenger air bags and driver and front passenger side impact canopies (Hybrid)
- 9 - Hydraulic brakes - 4,720 pounds GVWR - driver and front passenger air bags and driver and front passenger side impact canopies (Hybrid)

Line, Series and Body Type:

VIN positions five through seven indicate the vehicle line, series and body type.
- U02 - Two-wheel drive, XLS
- U03 - Two-wheel drive, XLT
- U04 - Two-wheel drive, Limited
- U92 - Four-wheel drive, XLS
- U93 - Four-wheel drive XLT
- U94 - Four-wheel drive, Limited
- U95 - XLT - two-wheel drive (Hybrid)
- U99 - XLT - four-wheel drive (Hybrid)

Engine Type:

The eighth VIN position is the engine type (displacement and number of cylinders).
- Z - 2.3L, four-valve, in-line four cylinder
- 1 - 3.0L Modular, six-cylinder, EFI, DOHC
- H - ATK-CYC, 2.3L, four-valve PFI, in-line four cylinder, gas/electric (Hybrid)

Check Digit:

The ninth VIN position is a government assigned, computer-generated check digit.

Model Year:

The tenth VIN position is the model year code.
- 5 - 2005

Assembly Plant:

The eleventh VIN position is the assembly plant code.
- D - Ohio Assembly (Avon Lake, Ohio)
- K - Kansas City Assembly (Claycomo, Missouri)

Build Sequence:

VIN positions 12 through 17 are an alphanumeric code for the vehicle build sequence. This is also the vehicle serial and warranty number.
- A00001-L99999