EngineSpecial Tool(s)
WARNING: Do not smoke or carry lighted tobacco or open flame of any type when working on or near any fuel-related components. Highly flammable mixtures are always present and may be ignited. Failure to follow these instructions may result in personal injury.
CAUTION: During engine repair procedures, cleanliness is extremely important. Any foreign material, including any material created while cleaning gasket surfaces, that enters the oil passages, coolant passages or the oil pan can cause engine failure.
1. With the vehicle in NEUTRAL, position it on a hoist.
2. Release the fuel system pressure.
3. Disconnect the battery ground and positive cables.
4. Remove the wiper motor and pivot assembly.
5. Recover the air conditioning system.
6. Drain the cooling system.
7. Remove the engine air cleaner and engine air cleaner outlet tube.
8. Disconnect the fuel supply manifold spring lock coupling.
9. If equipped, disconnect the 2 lower quick disconnect oil cooler coolant tubes.
10. If equipped, disconnect the 2 upper quick disconnect oil cooler coolant tubes and remove the bolt and the coolant tubes.
11. Remove the power steering pump.
12. Remove the starter.
13. Remove the dual converter Y-pipe.
14. Disconnect the accelerator cable end and the speed control actuator cable end. Remove the throttle return spring.
15. Position the accelerator cable bracket aside.
^ Disconnect the engine wiring harness retainer.
^ Remove the stud bolts and position aside the accelerator cable bracket.
16. Disconnect the upper radiator and heater hoses.
17. Remove the power distribution box cover.
18. Disconnect the B+ terminal from the power distribution box.
19. Remove the 68-pin electrical connector from the power distribution box.
1. Separate the power distribution box from the bracket.
2. Loosen the bolt.
3. Disconnect the 68-pin connector.
20. Release the engine wiring harness retainer.
21. Release the engine wiring harness retainer.
22. Disconnect the 16-pin electrical connector.
23. Disconnect the shift cable.
24. Disconnect the cable from the bracket, then position the shift cable aside.
25. Disconnect the evaporative (EVAP) emission return tube.
26. Release the engine wiring harness retainer.
27. Disconnect the brake booster vacuum hose.
^ Reposition the clamp.
28. Disconnect the EVAP canister purge valve electrical connector and vacuum hose.
29. Remove the engine wire harness pin-type retainer.
30. Loosen the bolt and disconnect the powertrain control module (PCM).
31. Remove the bolt from the engine wire harness ground.
32. Disconnect the degas bottle hose.
^ Reposition the clamp.
33. Remove the upper radiator sight shield.
34. Release the 2 engine wiring harness retainers.
35. Remove the engine roll restrictor.
^ Remove the bolts.
^ Remove the engine roll restrictor.
36. Remove the bolt from the ground cable.
37. Remove the bolt from the ground cable.
38. Disconnect the heater hose.
39. Disconnect the A/C electrical connector.
40. Remove the bolt and position the A/C compressor manifold aside.
41. Disconnect the power steering cooler hose.
^ Reposition the clamp.
42. Remove the power steering cooler hose from the retaining clip.
43. Disconnect the transaxle cooler tubes.
^ Remove the clips.
^ Disconnect the oil cooler tubes.
44. Reposition the dust boot upward.
45. Disconnect the steering column.
^ Remove the bolt.
^ Slide the joint upward.
46. Disconnect the lower radiator hose.
^ Reposition the clamp.
47. Remove the oil pan-to-transaxle bolts.
48. Remove the inspection cover.
^ Remove the bolt.
^ Remove the cover.
49. Remove the 4 torque converter nuts.
50. CAUTION: When removing the disc brake caliper, never allow it to hang from the brake hose. Provide a suitable support.
Remove the bolts, then position the RH and LH brake calipers aside.
51. Remove the RH and LH wiring harness retainers.
52. Remove the nuts and the RH and LH ABS electrical connectors.
53. Remove the nuts and disconnect the RH and LH front stabilizer links.
54. Remove the RH and LH strut bolts.
55. Position the special tool under the subframe assembly.
56. Remove the 4 bolts.
57. Lower the engine, transaxle and subframe assembly.
58. Remove the generator brace bolt.
59. Disconnect the A/C compressor electrical connector.
60. Remove the bolts and the A/C compressor.
61. Release the engine wiring harness retainer.
62. Detach the electrical connector from the subframe.
63. Release the engine wiring harness retainers.
64. Remove the engine roll restrictor bracket.
^ Remove the bolts.
^ Remove the engine roll restrictor bracket.
65. Remove the engine wiring harness pin-type retainer.
66. Disconnect the transaxle electrical connectors.
67. Disconnect the turbine shaft speed (TSS) sensor connector.
68. Remove the pin-type harness retainer.
69. Disconnect the electrical connectors.
70. Detach the 2 electrical connectors from the wiring harness bracket.
71. Detach the electrical connector from the subframe.
72. Remove the bolt and the transaxle fluid level indicator and tube.
73. NOTE: RH shown, LH similar.
Install the special tools.
74. Install the engine lifting equipment.
75. Remove the 4 bellhousing bolts.
76. Remove the LH engine mount bolt.
77. Remove the RH engine mount bolt.
78. Remove the oil pan-to-transaxle bolt.
79. Remove the engine mount bracket-to-transaxle bolts.
80. Using the engine lifting equipment, separate and lift the engine from the subframe and transaxle assembly.