Repair and Diagnosis: Technical Service Bulletins
- How to Find Technical Service Bulletins by Category/Symptom
- Recalls
- Customer Interest
- Engine Controls - Idle Fluctuation/DTC's P0505/P0506
- Brakes - Adjustable Brake Pedal Adjustment Inoperative
- Instruments - 'CHECK ADVTRAC' Message Displayed/Chime
- Engine Controls - MIL ON/DTC's P2106 and P2135 Set
- A/C - Moan/Buzz/Groan Noise From Vehicle Rear
- Drivetrain - Rear Axle Hub Bearing Noise
- Drivetrain - Rear Differential Whine/Hum Noise
- Instruments - Fuel Gauge Drops to Empty/MIL ON/DTC's
- Engine Controls - Rough Idle/Vibration
- Engine Controls - MIL ON/DTC's P0171/P0172/P0174/P0175
- Engine Controls - Poor Throttle Tip-In Response
- A/T - 5R55S Converter Housing Fluid Leak/DTC P1783 Set
- Engine Controls - 'Wrench' Lamp ON With No DTC's Set
- Engine Controls - Hard/No Start After a Cold Soak
- Engine Controls - MIL ON/DTC P0191
- Body - Back Glass Hard to Close/Door Ajar Lamp ON
- Body - Rattling Noise While Driving
- Body - Liftgate Glass Applique Damaged/Cracking
- Restraints - Seat Belts Slow to Retract
- A/C - Drive Belt Chirp When A/C Compressor Engages
- A/T - Hard To Shift From DRIVE to PARK
- Interior - Front Seat Movement On Accel./Decel.
- A/C - Low Rpm Hooting Noise
- Body - Moonroof Squeak or Rattle Noise
- Instruments - False Parking Aid Warnings
- Entertainment Systems - DVD Player Screen Latch Rattle
- Entertainment System - Rear Seat DVD Player Rattles
- Entertainment System - Rear Seat DVD Player Rattling
- Tire Pressure Monitor - Low Tire Indicator ON
- A/T - 5R55S, Delayed/Harsh Reverse Engagement
- Fuel System - Erratic Fuel Gauge/MIL ON/DTC P0463
- A/C - Heater Core Electrolysis/Leakage
- Starting System- No Crank Condition
- Parking Assist System - Speaker Inop./DTC C1742/C1743
- Brakes - Brake Booster Ticking Noise on Moderate braking
- Battery - Discharges After Vehicle Storage
- Interior - Leather Wrapping On Steering Wheel Is Loose
- Body - Rear Door Window Stuck In Up Position/Inoperative
- Drivetrain - Rear Axle Seal(s) Leaking
- Wheels/Tires - Steering Wheel Nibble/Vibration
- A/T - Loss Of 2nd/3rd/5th Gears/Ratio DTC's Set
- Superceded Bulletins
- 06-16-7 - 08/21/06
- 04B22 - 01/01/05
- Body - Rear Power Window(s) Stuck In UP Position
- Instruments - Fuel Gauge Slow to Update After Fill-Up
- Body - Aluminum Corrosion Service Tip
- Interior - Trim Paint Application Procedures
- Body - Rear Power Window Stuck in Up Position/Inop.
- Parking Assist System - False Warnings
- A/C/Audio System - Rear Defroster Grid/Antenna Repair
- Restraint System - Seat Belts Slow to retract
- Restraints - DTC And Associated Fault PID Service Tips
- Battery - Service/Charging Tips
- Drivetrain - Rear Halfshaft Axle Seal Leaks
- Drivetrain - Drive Axle Whine/Hum on Accel/Decel/Cruise
- Drivetrain - Rear Halfshaft Seal Oil Leaks
- Drivetrain - L/S Rear Axle Shudder/Chatter
- Drivetrain - Rear Axle Whine or Hum
- A/T - 5R55S Delayed/Harsh Reverse Engagement
- A/T - 5R55S, Delayed or Harsh Reverse Engagement
- Engine Controls - Driveability Issues/MIL ON/DTC's Set
- Instruments - MIL ON/DTC's/Fuel Gauge Slow to Rise
- Instruments - SES Lamp ON/DTC's/Fuel Gauge Goes to Empty
- Engine Controls - MIL/ETC Lamps ON/DTC's P106/P2135
- Engine Controls - MIL/ETC Lamps ON/DTC P2106/P2135
- Battery - Battery EYE Function/Charging Service Tips
- Drivetrain - Rear Wheel Bearing Noise
- Campaign - A/T 5R55 and 5R44 Series Fluid Additive
- Campaign - A/T Fluid Additive
- Tires/Wheels - Excessive Run-Out Vibration
- Tires/Wheels - Vibration While Driving
- Engine Controls - Poor Tip-In Throttle Response
- Ignition System - Engine Misfire Diagnostics Tips
- All Technical Service Bulletins
- Engine Controls - Idle Fluctuation/DTC's P0505/P0506
- Brakes - Adjustable Brake Pedal Adjustment Inoperative
- Instruments - 'CHECK ADVTRAC' Message Displayed/Chime
- Engine Controls - MIL ON/DTC's P2106 and P2135 Set
- A/C - Evaporator Core Replacement
- A/C - Moan/Buzz/Groan Noise From Vehicle Rear
- Drivetrain - Rear Axle Hub Bearing Noise
- Drivetrain - Rear Differential Whine/Hum Noise
- Instruments - Fuel Gauge Drops to Empty/MIL ON/DTC's
- Engine Controls - MAF Sensor Diagnostic Service Tip
- Engine Controls - Rough Idle/Vibration
- Engine Controls - MIL ON/DTC's P0171/P0172/P0174/P0175
- Engine Controls - General PCM Programming Procedures
- Engine Controls - Poor Throttle Tip-In Response
- A/T - 5R55S Converter Housing Fluid Leak/DTC P1783 Set
- Engine Controls - 'Wrench' Lamp ON With No DTC's Set
- Engine Controls - Hard/No Start After a Cold Soak
- A/C/Audio - Defroster/Antenna Grid Diagnosis/Repair
- Restraints - Seat Belt Stop Button Service
- Body - Weld Bonding Procedure
- Engine Controls - MIL ON/DTC P0191
- Body - Back Glass Hard to Close/Door Ajar Lamp ON
- Body - Rattling Noise While Driving
- Body - Liftgate Glass Applique Damaged/Cracking
- Restraints - Seat Belts Slow to Retract
- A/C - Drive Belt Chirp When A/C Compressor Engages
- Campaign - Additive For A/T Fluid
- Electrical - Wiring Soldering/Crimping Service Tips
- Interior - Repair/Paint to Match Instructions
- A/T - Hard To Shift From DRIVE to PARK
- Interior - Front Seat Movement On Accel./Decel.
- A/C - Low Rpm Hooting Noise
- Body - Moonroof Squeak or Rattle Noise
- Instruments - False Parking Aid Warnings
- Entertainment Systems - DVD Player Screen Latch Rattle
- Entertainment System - Rear Seat DVD Player Rattles
- Entertainment System - Rear Seat DVD Player Rattling
- Tire Pressure Monitor - Low Tire Indicator ON
- A/T - 5R55S, Delayed/Harsh Reverse Engagement
- Engine - Reman Engine Head Gasket Identification
- Fuel System - Erratic Fuel Gauge/MIL ON/DTC P0463
- A/C - Heater Core Electrolysis/Leakage
- Starting System- No Crank Condition
- Parking Assist System - Speaker Inop./DTC C1742/C1743
- Keyless Entry - Keypad Diagnostics
- Steering - Mercon V(R) Fluid Usage
- Brakes - Brake Booster Ticking Noise on Moderate braking
- Battery - Battery Eye Function/Charging/Service
- Battery - Discharges After Vehicle Storage
- Interior - Leather Wrapping On Steering Wheel Is Loose
- Restraints - Control Module DTCs, Associated Fault PIDs
- Body - Rear Door Window Stuck In Up Position/Inoperative
- Drivetrain - Rear Axle Seal(s) Leaking
- Wheels/Tires - Steering Wheel Nibble/Vibration
- A/T - Loss Of 2nd/3rd/5th Gears/Ratio DTC's Set