Door Switch: Service and Repair
DOOR AJAR SWITCH - FRONTRemoval and Installation
NOTE: The passenger side is shown, the driver side is similar.
1. Remove the front door trim panel.
2. Remove the 3 front door latch bolts.
- To install, tighten to 9 Nm (80 lb-in).
3. Disconnect the exterior front door handle actuating rod.
4. If equipped, disconnect the door lock cylinder actuating rod.
5. Position the front door latch to provide access to the door ajar switch.
6. Disconnect the door ajar switch electrical connector.
7. Remove the door ajar switch.
1 Lift the locking tab at the lower end.
2 Rotate the door ajar switch counterclockwise.
3 Remove the door ajar switch.
8. To install, reverse the removal procedure.