Trunk / Liftgate: Adjustments
LIFTGATE ALIGNMENTUp, down, left and right adjustments
1. Loosen, but do not remove, the hinge-to-liftgate bolts just enough to permit movement of the liftgate.
2. Adjust the liftgate so that the gaps are within specification.
- Tighten to 40 Nm (30 lb-ft).
Latch to striker alignment
3. Mark the liftgate latch forkbolt with white all-purpose correction fluid.
4. Loosen the liftgate striker and move the liftgate striker to the rearward position.
- Tighten to 25 Nm (18 lb-ft).
5. Close and open the liftgate.
6. Measure the distance between the bottom of the top striker plate and the top of the mark left by the forkbolt.
7. If not within specification, add or delete shims until measurement is within specification.
Fore and aft adjustments
8. NOTE:
- If full liftgate to seal contact is not achieved, move the liftgate striker forward in 1.01 mm (0.04 in) increments until full contact is made.
- Check for full liftgate to seal contact with tracing powder.
- Tracing powder is used to check both the uniformity of contact and the tension of a seal against its sealing surface. These tests are usually carried out when a suspected air leak/noise appears to originate from the seal area during the alignment and adjustment of a component to a weatherstrip.
Carry out the tracing powder test as follows:
1 Clean the weatherstrip.
- Spray the tracing powder on the mating surface only.
2 Close the liftgate completely. Do not slam the liftgate.
3 Open the liftgate. An imprint is made where the weatherstrip contacted the mating surface seal. Gaps or a faint imprint will show where there is poor contact with the weatherstrip.
9. Adjust the liftgate striker as necessary to achieve correct seal contact.
10. NOTE: Check the bolt and nut seal to prevent water leaks.
If full seal contact cannot be achieved, loosen the hinge-to-body nut and bolt and adjust as necessary to achieve correct seal contact.
- Tighten to 30 Nm (22 lb-ft).