Powertrain Management: Application and ID
ACRONYMS AND DEFINITIONSNOTE: This acronyms and definitions listing contains technical terms applicable to Ford Motor Company products. It is not intended to be an all-inclusive dictionary of components and their functions. If a detailed description of a particular system or component is desired, refer to Computers and Control Systems or consult Description and Operation for that system or component for the specific vehicle being repaired.
4V: Four valves per engine cylinder
ABS: Anti-Lock Brake System
A/C: Air Conditioning
A/CC: Air Conditioning Clutch
A/CCR: A/C Clutch Control Relay
A/CLPCS: A/C Low Pressure Cycling Switch
ACCS: Air Conditioning Cycling Switch
ACET: Air Conditioning Evaporator Temperature
ACP: Air Conditioning Head Pressure or A/C cycling switch input state
ACPSW: Air Conditioning Pressure Switch
ACRDV: Air Conditioning (A/C) Refrigerant Distribution Valve
A/D: Analog-to-Digital. Analog-to-Digital signal conversion.
Air/Fuel Ratio: Air-to-fuel mixture ratio. An air-to-fuel mixture that is 14.7:1 is also called stoichiometry.
Ambient Air Temperature: Temperature of the air surrounding an object
Analog (Electrical/Electronic): An electrical signal that can obtain any value within the voltage limits of the signal.
APP: Accelerator Pedal Position
ARB: Air Resource Board
ASCII: American Standard Code Information Interchange
ATDC: After Top Dead Center
BARO: Barometric Pressure
Base Timing: Spark advance in degrees before top dead center of the base engine without any control from the PCM.
Battery Positive Voltage (B+): The positive (+) voltage from the battery or any circuit connected directly to the battery.
BATTEMP: Battery Temperature
BJB: Battery Junction Box
BPA: Brake Pedal Applied. Typically located on the braking system master cylinder. Can be hydraulic or electric.
BPO: Battery Power Off
BPP: Brake Pedal Position
BPS: Brake Pedal Switch/Speed Control Deactivation
BTDC: Before Top Dead Center
BVREF: Buffer Voltage Reference. A dedicated circuit that provides an approximately 5-volt signal used as a reference by certain sensors.
CAFE: Corporate Average Fuel Economy. A set of federal requirements and regulations that govern fuel economy standards.
CANVNT: Canister Vent
CAN: Controller Area Network
CCM: Comprehensive Component Monitor
CD A through D: Coil Driver 1 through 4
Centralized Testing Facility: State government operation. Provides inspection/maintenance (IM) and safety inspections.
CGND: Case Ground. Provides a ground source for the PCM or ECU case.
CHT: Cylinder Head Temperature. Units are displayed in degrees Fahrenheit or degrees Celsius.
CHTV: Cylinder Head Temperature Voltage
CKP: Crankshaft Position
CL: Closed Loop. An operating condition or mode that enables operation based on sensor feedback.
CMP: Camshaft Position. PCM input signal from the camshaft position sensor.
CMS: Catalyst Monitor Sensor. The downstream heated oxygen sensor (HO2S).
CMVSS: Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards
CO: Carbon Monoxide. A colorless, odorless and toxic gas that is a component of auto exhaust emissions.
CO2: Carbon Dioxide. A colorless, odorless gas that is a normal by-product of the combustion of fuel.
Cold Soak: Time given to a vehicle to sit at a low temperature, typically below 20°C (68°F), until the temperature of external and internal components stabilizes.
CONT: Continuous Memory. The portion of keep alive memory (KAM) used to store DTCs generated during the continuous memory self-test.
COP: Coil On Plug
CSE GND: Case Ground
CT: Closed Throttle. A mode when the PCM varies the pulse width of the fuel injectors to obtain the air/fuel mixture appropriate for closed throttle operation.
CTO: Clean Tach Output
DATC: Dual Automatic Temperature Control
DC: 1. Direct Current. Electric current flowing in 1 direction. 2. Duty Cycle. The voltage measurement of ON time versus the full cycle period, expressed in percent.
DCL: Data Communication Link. A communication path between various in-vehicle electronic modules. Accessed by scan tools through the data link connector (DLC).
Digital: Controls process information by switching the current or voltage ON and OFF.
DLC: Data Link Connector. J1962 connector providing access to vehicle diagnostic information.
DMM: Digital Multimeter
DOHC: Dual Overhead Cam. An engine configuration that uses 2 camshafts positioned above the valves.
DTM: Diagnostic Test Mode. A level of capability in an on board diagnostics (OBD) system.
DTC: Diagnostic Trouble Code. An alpha/numeric identifier for a concern identified by the OBD system.
ECT: Engine Coolant Temperature. Displayed in degrees Fahrenheit or degrees Celsius.
ECVT: Electronically Controlled Continuously Variable Transaxle
EEC: Electronic Engine Control
EEGR: Electric Exhaust Gas Recirculation
EEPROM: Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory. An electronic component in the PCM that allows the electronic storage of information.
EGR: Exhaust Gas Recirculation. A process in which a small amount of exhaust gas is routed into the combustion chamber.
EI: Integrated Electronic Ignition. An electronic ignition system that has the ignition control module (ICM) integrated into the PCM.
EI-LDR: Electronic Ignition-Low Data Rate
EMI: Electromagnetic Interference. Usually caused by ignition voltage spikes, solenoids, relay operation, or noisy generator contacts.
EOT: Engine Oil Temperature
EPA: Environmental Protection Agency
ESM: EGR System Module
ETC: Electronic Throttle Control
ETCVREF: Voltage Reference
EVAP: Evaporative Emissions. A system to prevent fuel vapor from escaping into the atmosphere.
Evaporative Emissions Canister: An evaporative emission canister containing activated charcoal that absorbs and holds fuel vapors.
EVO: Electronic Variable Orifice
EVMV: Electric Vapor Management Valve. Also known as the EVAP canister purge valve.
Exciter Ring: A toothed or notched iron or steel disk that is the moveable part of a speed sensor.
FAN: Fan Speed
FC: Fan Control
FCS: Fuel Control Solenoid
FCIL: Fuel Cap Indicator Lamp. Indicates the fuel filler cap is not correctly installed.
FEAD: Front End Accessory Drive
FEPS: Flash EEPROM Programming Signal. 18-volt DC signal sent by the scan tool to initiate PCM reprogramming.
FLI: Fuel Level Input. Used by the EVAP monitor to calculate fuel tank vapor volume. Displayed as a percentage.
FMEM: Failure Mode Effects Management. Operating strategy that maintains limited vehicle function in the event of a PCM or EEC component failure.
FP: Fuel Pump
FPDM: Fuel Pump Driver Module. A module that controls the electric fuel pump.
FRPT: Fuel Rail Pressure Temperature Sensor
FTIV: Fuel Tank Isolation Valve
FTP: Fuel Tank Pressure
FWD: Front-Wheel Drive
GCU: Generator Control Unit
GND: Ground
GPM: Grams per Mile. Also known as Gallons per Minute.
GSDN: Generator Motor Shutdown
GVW: Gross Vehicle Weight
Hall Effect: A process where current is passed through a small portion of semiconductor material and a magnetic field to produce a small voltage in the semiconductor.
HC: Hydrocarbon
HO2S: Heated Oxygen Sensor
HVIL: High Voltage Interlock Circuit
HVIN: High Voltage Interlock Negative Circuit
HVIP: High Voltage Interlock Positive Circuit
HVN: High Voltage Negative Circuit
HVP: High Voltage Positive Circuit
Hz: Hertz
IAT: Intake Air Temperature
IFS: Inertia Fuel Shut-Off
IGN GND: Ignition Ground
IMAP: Inferred Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP)
IPC: Independent Plausibility Checker
ISDN1, ISDN2: Immediate Shutdown Circuits 1 and 2
ISP-R: Ignition Switch Position RUN Circuit
ISP-R/S: Ignition Switch Position START Circuit
ISO: International Standards Organization
ITCC: Intelligent Torque-Controlled Coupling
KAM: Keep Alive Memory
KAPWR: Keep Alive Power
KEYPWR: Key Power
KOEO Self-Test: Key On Engine Off self-test
KOER Self-Test: Key On Engine Running self-test
Km/h: Kilometers per Hour
kPa: Kilopascal. Unit of pressure. 3.386 kPa equals 1 inch of mercury (Hg).
LDR: Low Data Rate
LOAD: Calculated Engine Load
LONGFT1: Long-Term Fuel Trim Bank 1
MAF: Mass Air Flow
MAF RTN: Mass Air Flow Return. A return circuit for the MAF sensor.
MAP: Manifold Absolute Pressure. The internal pressure of the intake manifold.
MCLTEMP: Traction Motor Coil Temperature
MCU: Motor Control Unit
MECP: Motor Electronics Coolant Pump
MECT: Motor Electronics Coolant Temperature
MIL: Malfunction Indicator Lamp
MSDN: Motor Shutdown
NOX: Oxides of Nitrogen
O2S: Oxygen Sensor
OASIS: On-line Automotive Service Information System
OBD: On Board Diagnostics
OC: Oxidation Catalytic converter
OHC: Overhead Cam
OSC: Output State Control
OTM: Output Test Mode
PCM: Powertrain Control Module
PCV: Positive Crankcase Ventilation
PID: Parameter Identification
PIP: Profile Ignition Pickup
PPM: Parts per Million
PROM: Programmable Read-Only Memory
PSC Module: Power Steering Control Module
PSR: Power Sustain Relay
PWM: Pulse Width Modulation
PWR GND: Power Ground
PZEV: Partial Zero Emission Vehicle
RAM: Random Access Memory
RFI: Radio Frequency Interference
ROM: Read-Only Memory
RPM: Revolutions per Minute
RTN: Return
RWD: Rear-Wheel Drive
SAE: Society of Automotive Engineers
SFI: Sequential Multiport Fuel Injection
SHRTFT1: Short-Term Fuel Trim Bank 1
SIG RTN: Signal Return
Stoichiometry: An air/fuel mixture that is neither too rich nor too lean. Stoichiometric ratio is 14.7 parts of air for every 1 part of fuel.
TACM: Throttle Actuator Control Motor
TB: Throttle Body
TBCM: Traction Battery Control Module
TCM: Transaxle Control Module
TDC: Top Dead Center
TFT: Transmission Fluid Temperature
TGAC: Torque of Generator AC signal
TMAC: Torque of Motor AC signal
TP: Throttle Position
TR Sensor: Transmission Range Sensor
VBPWR: Vehicle Buffered Power
VECI: Vehicle Emission Control Information
VIN: Vehicle Identification Number
VMV: Vapor Management Valve
VPWR: Vehicle Power
VREF: Reference Voltage
VSC: Vehicle System Controller
VSS: Vehicle Speed Sensor
WAC: Wide Open Throttle A/C Cut-Off
WOT: Wide Open Throttle