Rear Suspension
Wheel Knuckle - Front Wheel Drive (FWD)
NOTICE: Suspension fasteners are critical parts because they affect performance of vital components and systems and their failure may result in major service expense. New parts must be installed with the same part numbers or equivalent part, if replacement is necessary. Do not use a replacement part of lesser quality or substitute design. Torque values must be used as specified during reassembly to make sure of correct retention of these parts.
1. Remove the wheel and tire. For additional information, refer to Wheels and Tires.
2. NOTE: Apply the brake to keep the wheel hub from rotating.
Remove and discard the wheel hub nut.
3. Remove the wheel speed sensor ring.
4. Remove the brake drum. For additional information, refer to Drum Brake System.
5. Using the Front Hub Remover and Impact Slide Hammer or equivalent tools, remove the wheel hub.
6. NOTE: This step may not be necessary if the inner wheel bearing race remains in the wheel knuckle after removing the wheel hub.
Using a suitable press and the Pinion Bearing Cone Remover or equivalent, press the inner bearing race from the wheel knuckle.
7. Remove the brake shoes. For additional information, refer to Drum Brake System.
8. Remove the parking brake cable bracket-to-control arm bolt.
9. Unclip the wheel speed harness retainer from the parking brake cable and disconnect the cable from the brake backing plate.
10. Remove the wheel speed sensor bolt and the 2 wheel speed sensor harness bolts.
11. Disconnect the wheel speed sensor from the wheel knuckle, and position the sensor and harness aside.
12. Remove the stabilizer bar link lower nut and disconnect the link from the wheel knuckle.
- Discard the nut.
13. Remove the coil spring. For additional information, refer to Spring Rear Suspension.
14. Remove and discard the lower ball joint nut.
15. Index-mark the notch on the cam nut adjustment cam.
16. Remove and discard the wheel knuckle bolt and cam nut.
17. Remove the wheel knuckle.
18. Remove the wheel bearing. For additional information, refer to Wheel Bearing - Front Wheel Drive (FWD) Rear Suspension.
1. Install the wheel bearing. For additional information, refer to Wheel Bearing - Front Wheel Drive (FWD) Rear Suspension.
2. NOTICE: The joint area must be free of foreign material to make sure of correct clamping.
NOTE: Align the notch on the cam nut with the index marks.
Position the wheel knuckle and install a new wheel knuckle bolt and cam nut.
3. Using a suitable tool, hold the cam nut stationary while tightening the new wheel knuckle bolt.
- Tighten to 125 Nm (92 lb-ft).
4. Position the lower ball joint into the wheel knuckle and install the new lower ball joint nut.
- Tighten to 63 Nm (46 lb-ft).
5. Install the coil spring. For additional information, refer to Spring Rear Suspension.
6. Connect the stabilizer bar link and install the nut.
- Tighten to 55 Nm (41 lb-ft).
7. Position the wheel speed sensor harness and the sensor.
8. Install the wheel speed sensor bolt and the 2 wheel speed sensor harness bolts.
- Tighten the bolts to 9 Nm (80 lb-in).
9. Connect the brake tube to the wheel cylinder.
- Tighten to 17 Nm (150 lb-in).
10. Install the brake hose bracket bolt.
- Tighten to 22 Nm (16 lb-ft).
11. Connect the parking brake cable to the brake backing plate and install the parking brake cable bracket bolt.
- Tighten to 23 Nm (17 lb-ft).
12. Install the brake shoes and brake drum. For additional information, refer to Drum Brake System.
13. NOTE: Apply the brake to keep the wheel hub from rotating.
Install a new wheel hub nut.
- Tighten the nut to 290 Nm (214 lb-ft).
14. Bleed the brake system. For additional information, refer to Brakes and Traction Control.
15. Check and, if necessary, align the rear end. For additional information, refer to Suspension &/or Alignment.