Engine - Dieseling On Shutdown
Article No:82-16-7
Dieseling On Engine Shutdown (3.3L A/T)
1982 Thunderbird, Granada, Fairmont, Mustang
1982 XR7, Cougar, Zephyr, Capri
This Modification Is Authorized Only For The Listed Engines. Performing This Modification On Other Engine Calibrations Is Unauthorized And Could Create Liability Under Applicable Federal Or Local Laws.
Vehicles which exhibit dieseling (engine run on) after shutdown can be serviced by cleaning carburetor solenoid kicker, adding Dri-slide and adjusting curb idle with TSP "off" at 450 rpm in neutral.
Figure 8:
1. Clean surfaces of plunger face of solenoid kicker (TSP) and contact surface of curb idle adjustment screw with a suitable solvent. (Figure 8)
2. Set curb idle RPM with TSP "off" at 450 RPM in neutral rather than in drive as indicated in the Vehicle Emission Control Information decal.
3. Using a sharpie pen, modify the Vehicle Emission Control Information decal by striking the Drive TSP "off". (See TSB Referenced).
4. Apply 2 or 3 drops of Dri-Slide (Ford Spec. ESEM2C-160-A) (in Canada P/N CXC-82) to contact surface of solenoid kicker plunger. Allow the Dri-Slide to dry, then cycle throttle several times to recheck freedom of movement.
Dri-Slide is a lubricant consisting of molybdenum disulfide in a solvent carrier which dries completely in air. The lubricant does not form gum or attract dirt while in use and thus serves as an excellent carburetor linkage lubricant. It should be noted, however, that the lubricant and the carrier separate in the can and must be thoroughly mixed (agitated) before applying.
5. Obtain an Authorized Modifications decal and list the date, dealer number and summary of alterations performed. Select a prominent place adjacent to the Vehicle Emission Control Information decal suitable for installing the Authorized Modifications decal. Clean the area, install the decal and cover it with a clear plastic decal shield.
WARRANTY STATUS: Reimbursable within the provisions of the Warranty and Policy Manual.
TIME: 0.4 Hr.
DLR. CODING: Basic Part No. DRIVE Code: H4