Ignition Timing: Adjustments
Set timing at Before Top Dead Center and at slow idle unless otherwise specified.
Disconnect and plug distributor vacuum hose.
On engines equipped with dual-mode ignition timing, disconnect the third three-pin connector from sensor.
Engines with ignition module basic part No. 12A224, disconnect the two-wire connector (yellow and block wires) and jump the module connector pins.
1983 1.6L w/EFI, disconnect single white wire connector at distributor.
1984-86 1/2 with EEC IV; disconnect single wire, connector at distributor.
1986 1/2-1990, remove shorting bar from double wire spout connector (Located near the TFI module).
1988-89 1.3L: Disconnect & plug distributor vacuum hose. At high altitude, disconnect barometric pressure sensor.
1988-89 1.6L: Disconnect distributor vacuum hose and black connector by distributor.
Reset timing only if more than +/- 2 degrees from specification listed.
With "Positive Buy" (identified with a Torx-head distributor holddown bolt) +/- 4 degrees.
Timing must be set to specifications shown on emission decal if different from setting listed.