Cruise Control Servo: Testing and Inspection
1. Disconnect electrical connector at the amplifier.
2. Connect an ohmmeter between circuit 145 and circuit 144 wire leads at the electrical connector. A resistance of 40---125 ohms should be obtained.
3. Connect an ohmmeter between circuit 144 and 146 wire leads. A resistance of 60---190 ohms should be obtained.
4. Start engine.
5. Connect circuit lead 144 to positive terminal of the battery.
6. Connect circuit lead 146 to ground, and momentarily touch circuit lead 145 to ground. The servo throttle actuator arm should pull in and engine speed should increase. The arm should also hold in position or slowly release. When circuit 146 lead is removed from ground, the servo should release.
7. Replace servo if it fails any part of the preceding test. On 1984---85 models equipped with 4-120 diesel engine, check servo for vacuum supply. If no vacuum is available, the vacuum pump may be malfunctioning. If circuit 144 is shorted to either circuit 146 or circuit 145 leads, it may be necessary to replace the amplifier.