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Tires - Outer Edge Tire Wear/Rotation Procedure

83ford4 Article No. 83-25-9


FORD 1978-83 FAIRMONT; 1979-84 MUSTANG; 1981-82 GRANADA; 1980-84 T-BIRD; 1983-84 LTD LINCOLN-MERCURY 1978-83 ZEPHYR: 1979-84 CAPRI; 1980-82 XR7; 1981-84 COUGAR; 1983-84 MARQUIS, 1982-84 CONTINENTAL; 1984 MARK VII This article supersedes TSB article 82-1-5 - Tire Wear -Outer Edge of Front Tire. Use the following procedure to optimize tire life on the above listed vehicles when the vehicle wheel alignment is within specification and front tire outer edge wear is due to a duty cycle consisting of frequent turning maneuvers.

Figure 7:

1. Cross rotate the tires front to rear, side-to-side (Figure 7).
2. Check and set tire pressure (cold) to:
Front Rear Model Year Vehicle
32 32 1978-79 Fairmont/Zephyr Sedan
35 35 1980-83 Fairmont/Zephyr Sedan
24 32 1978-79 Fairmont/Zephyr Wagon
27 35 1980-83 Fairmont//Zephyr Wagon
32 32 1979 Mustang/Capri
35 35 1980-84 Mustang/Capri
26 26 1980-82 T-Bird/XR7
35 35 1981-82 Granada/Cougar Sedan
27 35 1982 Granada/Cougar Wagon
28 32 1982-84 Continental
35 35 1983-84 T-Bird/Cougar
35 35 1983-84 LTD/Marquis
28 32 1984 Mark VII
DO NOT exceed the maximum tire pressure indicated on the tire sidewall.
3. Adjust front camber to the most inboard (most negative camber) position within the limits of available adjustment slots. Each camber adjustment hole represents 3/8~ of camber change.

Check alignment readings to insure side-to-side camber (left camber minus right camber) is within +/- 3/4~. Adjust camber to retain side-to-side specifications. If camber is already adjusted to the most inboard position, go to Step 4.
4. Adjust front total toe to 1/16" toe-in.
WARRANTY STATUS: Reimbursable within the provisions of the Warranty and Policy Manual.
TIME: 1.5 Hrs. DLR. CODING: Basic Part No. WEAR Code: 30