Door Glass Adjustments: Overview
IntroductionCareful Work . . .Up to this point we have installed reinforcement panels in both doors on vehicles built before June 15, 1982, and may have carefully installed the door weatherstrips.
These steps, will not always guarantee that the door window waterleaks we are trying to prevent will not occur.
Figure 74:
The door glass has to be adjusted to fit the weatherstrips. The perfect seal we've worked so hard to achieve will be lost unless the door glass to weatherstrip adjustments are performed very carefully and with an eye towards perfection.
Adjustments Are Not Difficult...This is not a difficult series of adjustments. However, it does require trial fitting, recognizing where the glass fit is incorrect and knowing what adjustment will correct the glass portion required for a correct fit.
Take Your Time . . . If this is your first door glass adjustment or if you have installed new weatherstrips, take your time, move the glass around and see how each adjustment affects the door glass position. It's a lot of getting in and out of the vehicle and a lot of door closing but you'll find the time spent well worth it for the experience gained.
As you perform more door glass adjustments, you'll find that experience will help you to exactly position the glass to a perfect weatherstrip fit.
Remember also, that the T-roof vehicle typically has higher door closing effort than other Mustang/Capri vehicles and that good door glass adjustments will aid in minimizing these efforts.
Figure 72:
We're Going To Help . . . We're going to begin the adjustment procedure by showing you where the door glass adjustments are and how each one changes the fit of the glass.
Next, we'll look at some badly adjusted door glass and show you which adjustments will correct the glass fit to the weatherstrips.
Finally, we'll show you all the steps in the door glass setting procedure.
Remember our aim and yours is the same - a satisfied Ford customer who will be glad he owns a T-roof Mustang or Capri.
Figure 73:
Be sure door adjustment is correct. To reduce flexing between the door and body, the convertible door wedges may be installed as shown below.