1. Prick punch steering column upper shaft serration diameter enough to ensure an interference fit between bearing inner race and steering column upper shaft.
2. Position bearing and insulator on steering column upper shaft. Work bearing and insulator as far down steering column upper shaft as possible, then place a piece of pipe {3-4} inch diameter by 1{1-2} inches long over end of steering column upper shaft and install steering wheel attaching nut.
3. Tighten steering wheel attaching nut until bearing is seated on steering shaft.
4. Remove steering wheel attaching nut and piece of pipe from steering column upper shaft.
5. Install new snap ring in groove at top of steering column upper shaft above bearing.
6. Install upper bearing retaining plate.
7. Place air bag slip ring on steering shaft and install two retainer screws that attach slip ring to retainer plate, ensuring ground wire pigtail is secured with lower retainer screw, then remove tape from slip ring.
8. Connect slip ring wire to column wiring harness.
9. Install steering wheel and the upper and lower shrouds.
10. Connect air bag module wire to slip ring connector and place air bag module on steering wheel, then install four module attaching nuts, torquing to 35---53 inch lbs.
11. Connect battery ground cable.