Attachment I - Administrative Information
CARES/OASISYou must use CARES or OASIS to determine if a vehicle is eligible for the recall.
Tell owners of any other recalls that may be uncompleted. Complete all recalls during a single visit by the owner.
Promptly Correct
Affected units on the enclosed list.
Other eligible vehicles which are brought to your dealership.
Dealer-Owner Contact/Action
Immediately contact any owner whose name is not on the list and arrange a service date. Give the owner a copy of the owner letter.
Dealership Responsibilities
Dealers are responsible to perform this recall service promptly following tender of the vehicle by the owner. It is important that you promptly report to the National Owner Relations Office at Oakville any instance in which an owner will not allow you to complete this recall because of objections in scheduling or for any other reasons.
Reimbursement And Claims Preparation Instructions
^ Immediately submit 1864 claims for all units completed for this recall.
^ Claim Forms 1864 for this recall must include standard claim preparation procedures showing all parts used, their cost and 30% parts handling allowance. Claims must show Recall Number 88S47, be imprinted, dated and signed by authorized dealership personnel.
^ Enter the completed 1864 claim through the Direct Warranty Entry (DWE) system. Should you receive 1864 forms with a seven digit claim number, drop the first digit and enter only the last six digits. You must be sure the claim number is correct when entered. Dealers without DWE capability must immediately mail the second copy of the form 1864 for reimbursement.
^ See Section 9.6 of your Warranty and Policy Manual for claims preparation instructions.
Owner Refunds
Refund requests submitted under Recall 88S47 are governed by the following guidelines:
^ Owner refund requests must be submitted on separate Claim Forms 1864.
^ Owners seeking refund for service performed at their expense prior to the announcement of this recall must be present the original copy of their paid repair orders of invoices to any Ford or Mercury dealership by December 31, 1988.
^ A copy of the paid repair order or invoice should be retained in your service file for reference.
^ Refund requests for customers must be submitted by January 31, 1989. Claims submitted after that date will not be paid. Please enter the information shown below on the form 1864.
Administrative Allowance 0.3 Hrs.
Insert in Box "B" on Form 1864.
Recall Code RS47 (Enter in Recall Box)
Extend the 0.3 Hours at your authorized warranty labor rate and include the result together with the refund amount in the "Total Claim" box of the Form 1864.
^ Enter the word REFUND in the area on the claim designated for PARTS USED.
^ Include the owner refund amount in the boxes entitled "MISCELLANEOUS" and "TOTAL CLAIM".
^ Please provide prompt reimbursement (refund) to all eligible owners who respond to this recall with proper documentation regardless of the source of the original service.
^ The original copy of the repair order or parts purchase receipt must be attached to the company submitted copy of the Form 1864.
^ Mail the complete refund request to the Warranty Claims Processing Activity in Oakville.