Section 1 General Information
HOW TO UPDATE EMISSION TSB'sThis is the first update of 1983 model year engine/emission calibrations, originally issued in TSB 82-19A on Sept. 24, 1982. This TSB update contains the following:
^ A new Index
^ Feedback card
^ A listing of 1983 model vehicles with the type of transmission available for each engine type
^ 25 new or updated passenger car calibrations
^ 21 new or updated truck calibrations
^ Drawings of the parts symbols that appear on engine/emission schematics The first issue of the engine/emissions TSB was divided into four sections, (transmissions, passenger car calibrations, truck calibrations, and a glossary) with each page marked by section and page number. This update and also future updates are simply a continuation of the first TSB with the page numbers continuing from where they left off. For example, car calibrations in TSB 82-19A ended on page 3-45. Car calibrations in this update start with page 3-46. The key to finding a calibration in this or any future update of the TSB's will be the INDEX. Upon receiving this update, discard the index in TSB 82-19A and insert the new index in front of TSB 82-19A. Place the remaining part of the package behind the TSB. Anytime information is needed, refer to the latest index for the required page number.