C107-At distributor
C108-LH fender apron
C127-At ignition module
C128-At ignition module
C142-At carb float bowl vent solenoid
C143-Behind carburetor
C144-Behind carburetor
C146-RH side of engine, above oxygen sensor
C147-Near rear of engine
C152-Near base of RH front shock tower
C153-At LH side of transmission
C154-Top of engine, near carburetor
C201-Under LH of I/P, near brace
C219-Under LH of I/P, above clutch switch
C223-Under LH of I/P, near column support
C237-Under LH of I/P, near brace
C249-RH cowl, near lower access hole
C250-Under LH of I/P, near brace
C251-Under LH of I/P, near brace
C255-At graphic warning module
C256-At graphic warning module
C259-Under I/P, near fuse panel
C263-RH cowl, near lower access hole
C272-Under LH of I/P
C274-Under LH of I/P, near brace
C275-Under LH of I/P
C276-Under LH of I/P, above brake pedal
C301-At LH of transmission support
C304-Upper RH side of steering column
C310-Under LH of I/P, near brace
C311-LH engine compartment, below wiper motor
C314-Under I/P, behind A/C-heater control
C314A-Under I/P, behind A/C-heater control
C332-RH fender, near starter relay
C333-Near upper RH "A" pillar
C407-Under LH of I/P, near column support
C409-LH quarter panel, above wheel well
C410-LH cowl, near lower access hole
C416-Under LH of I/P, near fuse panel
C416-Under LH of I/P, above fuse panel
C419-RH cowl, near lower access hole
C421-LH cowl, near lower access hole
C424-RH cowl, near upper access hole
C425-RH cowl, near upper access hole
C427-Under LH side of package tray
C450-RH fender apron, below starter relay
C451-LH cowl, near lower access hole
C460-Under upper RH of I/P
C461-LH cowl, near lower access hole
C462-RH cowl, near lower access hole
C463-LH cowl, near lower access hole
C464-RH cowl, near lower access hole
C466-LH cowl, near lower access hole
C467-LH "B" pillar, near lower access hole
C468-LH "B" pillar, near lower access hole
C469-RH "B" pillar, near lower access hole
C470-RH "B" pillar, near lower access hole
C471-Under driver's seat
C472-Under driver's seat
C473-On trunk lid, near striker
C509-Under RH of I/P, above glove box
C522-(LH), LH cowl, near lower access hole
C522-(RH), RH cowl, near lower access hole
C524-Under LH corner of I/P, at support
C524A-Under LH corner of I/P, near air vent
C550-RH cowl, near lower access hole
C551-LH cowl, near upper access hole
C552-RH cowl, near upper access hole
C553-(RH), RH "B" pillar, near lower access hole
C554-LH cowl, near lower access hole
C616-Under RH of I/P, near front of plenum
C707-Under center of I/P, behind radio
C708-Under center of I/P, right of radio
C709-Under LH corner of I/P, below speaker
C710-Under RH corner of I/P, below speaker
C711-Behind LH cowl trim panel
C752-Under center of I/P, at amplifier
C753-Under center of I/P, at amplifier
C754-Under I/P, at "amplifier-on" switch
C755-Under I/P, at "amplifier-on" switch
C814-Under RH side of driver's seat
C1204-Bottom of ash tray retainer
C1217-Under RH of I/P, above glove box lamp
C1308-Inside driver's door
C1309-Inside respective doors
C1702-(LH), LH cowl, near lower access hole
C1702-(RH), RH cowl, near lower access hole
C1980-LH fender apron, near ignition coil