Heated Backlite - Inoperative
83ford18Article No. 82-25-10-S
Changes in the supplier's address and price for heated back window wiring service kits necessitates the reprinting of this article.
Inoperative heated back windows, resulting from bus bar terminal-to-window bond separation, can be serviced by using a conductive epoxy cement manufactured by Chomerics of Massachusetts.
The service procedure is as follows:
Surface Preparations
1. The vehicle should be brought inside and permitted to come to room temperature.
2. Clean the entire area with alcohol or other suitable cleaning solvent to remove all dirt, wax, grease, oil or other foreign matter. It is important that the area be clean and dry.
Prepare the Conductive Epoxy Cement
NOTE: Before proceeding with service operation, read Caution and Instruction on kit.
1. Remove the package separator clamp.
2. Knead the materials together in the package until thoroughly mixed, as indicated by a uniform color with no evidence of streaks.
NOTE: In some cases, the dark hardener may crystalize in the packet. If this occurs, immerse the packet in hot water (180~F) until hardener re-liquifies.
3. Cut corner of packet.
Apply the Prepared Conductive Epoxy Cement
1. Pigtail Re-attachment:
Dispense material from the cut corner of the packet directly to the bus bar in the area where pigtail was previously attached. The epoxy cement should be evenly spread using a wooden spatula in a thin layer covering the approximate area of the previously at-
tached pigtail. If it is evident that portions of the bus bar have been pulled off with the pigtail, care should be taken to cover these areas with a layer of epoxy cement. Dispense material on the pigtail end and also spread a layer of epoxy cement evenly over the area. Using a screwdriver, or a similar tool, press the pigtail against the bus bar taking care that epoxy cement does not contact tool used to hold the pigtail in place.
Curing the Conductive Epoxy Cement
1. Using a heat lamp or a trouble light (100 watts), heat the area approximately 1-1/2 hours to cure the epoxy cement.
If desired, epoxy cement may be cured at room temperature (78~F) for 24 hours.
NOTE: Pigtail terminal must be held firmly in place to the bus bar while epoxy cement is curing.
2. Following the curing process, start the vehicle, turn the heated back window on and leave it on for five minutes. Then, while it is on, inspect the terminal and the area for heat.
Parts Required and Recommended Source
Chomerics, Inc. 77 Dragon Court Woburn, MASS. 01888
Attn: K. Dunne 1-800-225-1936
See order form below.
WARRANTY STATUS: Reimbursable within the provisions of the Warranty and Policy Manual.
TIME: "Actual Time" as defined in the Warranty and Policy Manual. DLR. CODING: Basic Part No. 18C622 Code: 23
Heated Rear Window Wiring Service Kit. Pull off and mail with check or money order to:
Chomerics, Inc. 77 Dragon Court Woburn, MASS. 01888
Attn: K. Dunne 1-800-225-1936
Ordering Quantity
The minimum order is one (1) package consisting of five (5) individual service kits. A service kit contains one (1) epoxy adhesive bi-pack; one (1) application; one (1) 3 inch length masking tape; and one set of directions.
Order Part Number 50-25-0584-0029
Quantity Package(s) X $35 = Total
Parts Price Includes Postage and Handling.
Dealership Name:
Street Address:
City - State - Zip:
Attention Parts Manager:
A reorder form will be forwarded with initial purchase.