Water Pump: Service and Repair
V6-2321. Drain cooling system, then remove air cleaner and air intake duct.
2. Remove fan shroud attaching screws then the fan and fan clutch attaching bolts. Remove fan and fan clutch and shroud.
3. Loosen accessory drive belt idler, then remove drive belt and water pump pulley.
4. On models equipped with power steering, remove pump mounting bracket attaching bolts, position pump aside with hoses attached.
5. On models equipped with A/C, remove compressor front support bracket.
6. Disconnect lower radiator hose, coolant bypass hose and heat hose from water pump.
7. On models equipped with Tripminder, remove fuel flow sensor support bracket. Do not disconnect fuel lines.
8. Remove water pump attaching bolts, then remove water pump.
9. Reverse procedure to install.