1. Install high-speed air bleeds, well tubes and main jets, torquing to 5 inch lbs. on 1982 models, or 17.7 inch lbs. on 1983-85 models.
2. Install idle jet holder, torquing to 5 inch lbs. on 1982 models or 8.9 inch lbs. on 1983-85 models.
3. Install fuel primary and secondary discharge nozzles.
4. Install idle mixture screw with O-ring and spring, setting screw to number of turns out from lightly seated as recorded during disassembly.
5. Install dashpot, if equipped.
6. Install power valve diaphragm, spring, power valve cover, and retaining screws, torquing to 7.1 inch lbs. on 1982 models or 10.6 inch lbs. on 1983-85 models.
7. On 1982 models, install fuel bowl vent solenoid and washer, torquing to 35 inch lbs.
8. Using tool T81P-9510- A or equivalent, install idle fuel shut-off solenoid with washer or gasket, torquing to 38 - 42 inch lbs.
9. Apply suitable lubricant to O-ring and install O-ring on accelerator pump nozzle, then install accelerator pump nozzle.
10. Install accelerator pump return spring, pump diaphragm, pump cover and four cover retaining screws, torquing to 11 inch lbs. for 1982 models or 16 inch lbs. on 1983-85 models.
11. Install A/C and/or power steering throttle kicker, if equipped, torquing to 17.7 inch lbs.
12. Install vacuum throttle kicker if equipped, torquing to 17.7 inch lbs. on 1982 models or 21.2 inch lbs. on 1983-85 models.
13. Install idle speed control assembly, if equipped, torquing to 10.6 inch lbs.
14. Install diaphragm assembly, ensuring that plastic retainer is in place, the spring, choke pulldown diaphragm cover and retaining screws and/or rivets, torquing screws to 5 inch lbs. on 1982 models or 10.6 inch lbs. on 1983-85 models.
15. Install choke housing assembly and the housing screws to air horn, torquing to 50 inch lbs.
NOTE: On 1982 models, install O-ring and choke housing assembly and engage housing with primary choke link, then install three housing screws in air horn, torquing to 18 inch lbs.
16. On 1982 models, install choke housing index shield, electric choke unit, retaining ring, two rivets and one screw as follows:
a. Ensure that choke cap spacer is properly installed.
b. Install choke cap after engaging bimetal loop on choke housing shaft lever and rotate to engine plastic spacer index tab.
c. Install choke cap retainer over cap and loosely retain with standard screw.
d. Using suitable revet gun with adapter D80P-53700-A or equivalent and rivet 388299 or equivalent, place rivet in rivet gun lightly to retain rivet.
e. Press rivet fully into casting after passing through retaining clamp.
f. Lightly trigger rivets until enough pressure is obtained to hold cap temporarily.
g. Reposition rivet gun on mandrel and trigger gun until mandrel breaks off.
h. Torque standard screw to 5.3 inch lbs.
17. On other models, carefully install choke housing shaft assembly into choke housing, noting the following:
a. Be careful not to roll or damage teflon bushing.
b. Both shaft arms must be to the left of fast idle cam molded plastic steps.
c. The cam spring tab must be located to the left of fast idle cam lever.
d. Install primary choke link to lever and lever to choke housing shaft, then install washer and nut, torquing to 14.2 inch lbs.
e. Check choke mechanism for freedom of movement.
18. Install choke housing shield, electric choke unit, retaining ring, two rivets and one retaining screw as follows:
a. Ensure choke cap spacer is properly installed.
b. On 1983 models, install choke cap after engaging bi-metal loop on choke housing shaft lever and rotate to engage plastic spacer index tab.
c. On 1984-85 models, install choke cap after engaging bi-metal tang into slot on choke housing shaft lever and rotate to engage plastic spacer index tab.
d. Install choke cap retainer over cap and loosely retain with standard screw.
e. Using suitable rivet gun with adapter T81P- 53700-A or equivalent on 1983 models, or adapter T81P-53700-A or equivalent on 1984-85 models, place rivet 388299 or equivalent in rivet gun and lightly trigger gun to retain rivet.
f. Press rivet fully into casting after passing through retaining clamp.
g. Trigger two rivets lightly until enough pressure is obtained to hold cap temporarily.
h. Reposition rivet gun on mandrel and trigger until mandrel breaks off.
i. Torque standard screw to 8.9 inch lbs.
19. On 1982 models, install fuel return line check valve and fitting.
20. On all models, install new air horn gasket.
21. Install inlet needle seat and gasket, torquing to 15 inch lbs. on 1982 models or 53 inch lbs. on 1983-85 models.
22. Install inlet needle, float and float hinge pin, opening throttle to clear fast idle lever as necessary.
23. Install air horn assembly, torquing retaining bolts to 14 inch lbs. on 1982 models or 21.2 inch lbs. on 1983-85 models.
24. Install new fuel filter, torquing to 80 inch lbs. on 1982 models or 100 inch lbs. on 1983-85 models.