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Engine: Service and Repair

1. Disconnect battery ground cable, then mark location of hinges and remove hood.
2. Remove air cleaner, fresh air intake tube and hot air tube.
3. Drain cooling system, then disconnect secondary coil wire from distributor.
4. Remove alternator and thermactor pump.
5. Disconnect A/C compressor clutch wire from compressor.
6. On models with automatic transaxle, disconnect upper and lower oil cooler lines at radiator, then remove transmission oil cooler line clips.
7. Disconnect upper and lower radiator hoses.
8. Disconnect heater hoses from engine.
9. Disconnect wire connector from electric cooling fan and remove fan motor and shroud assembly, then remove radiator.
10. Remove power steering pump filler tube and cap pump opening to prevent fluid spillage, if equipped.
11. Disconnect all necessary vacuum hose and electrical connections.
12. Disconnect fuel supply and return hoses at metal connector to engine.
13. On models with automatic transaxle, disconnect throttle kickdown linkage.
14. Disconnect vacuum hose at power brake booster, if equipped.
15. Disconnect hose to thermactor valve, then disconnect accelerator cable at carburetor and bracket.
16. Disconnect fuel evaporation hose at metal tube located on lefthand fender.
17. Loosen upper power steering pump pivot bolt, then remove upper pump to adjusting bracket attaching bolts, if equipped.
18. Remove upper rear thermactor pump bracket bolt, then install lifting eye.
19. Remove upper A/C compressor to mounting bracket attaching bolts, then remove clip retaining A/C compressor inlet line to exhaust manifold.
20. Raise and support vehicle, then loosen power steering pump lower adjusting bolt and remove drive belt. Remove power steering pump to lower bracket attaching bolts, then remove pump from bracket by passing pulley through adjusting bracket opening. Secure power steering pump against dash panel.
21. Remove heater supply and return tube clamps.
22. Remove starter motor ground cable and engine ground strap, then remove knee brace located at front of starter motor.
23. On models with manual transaxle, remove roll restrictor.
24. Remove starter motor and knee brace rear section, then disconnect exhaust pipe at inlet connector.
25. On models with automatic transaxle, remove converter cover and bracket. On models with manual transaxle, remove lower flywheel cover and brackets.
26. Using tool No. T81P-6312-A, remove crankshaft pulley.
27. On models with automatic transaxle, remove converter to flywheel attaching nuts, then remove lower converter housing to engine attaching bolts.
28. On models with manual transaxle, remove lower clutch housing to engine attaching bolts.

Fig. 1 Lefthand front No. 1 insulator. 5 speed manual transaxle:

Fig. 2 Lefthand front No. 1 insulator. 4 speed manual transaxle:

Fig. 3 Lefthand front No. 1 insulator. Automatic transaxle:

Fig. 4 Lefthand rear No. 4 insulator. Automatic transaxle:

Fig. 5 Lefthand rear No. 4 insulator. Manual transaxle:

Fig. 6 Righthand No. 3A insulator. All:

29. Remove coolant by pass hose from intake manifold, then remove lower No. 3-A engine mount bolt and nut from under insulator, Figs. 1 through 6.
30. Remove A/C compressor lower bracket bolt, if equipped.
31. Lower vehicle and attach a suitable lifting device to engine. Attach lifting device to engine using a 10 mm bolt to exhaust side of cylinder head at the transaxle end and at lifting eye of thermactor pump bracket. A stabilizer chain may also be attached to alternator bracket bolt.
32. Remove engine mount No. 3-A through bolt, then remove engine mount, Fig. 1 through 6.
33. Remove A/C compressor bracket, if equipped.
34. On models with manual transaxle, remove timing belt cover.
35. Position a suitable transmission jack under transaxle.
36. On models with automatic transaxle, remove upper converter housing to engine attaching bolts. On models with manual transaxle, remove upper clutch housing to engine attaching bolts.
37. Remove engine from vehicle. On models with automatic transaxle, check to ensure that torque converter studs are free from flywheel before removing engine.

1. Mark position of hood hinges and remove hood.
2. Disconnect battery ground cable.
3. Remove air cleaner and air intake tube assembly.
4. Drain cooling system.
5. Disconnect secondary wire from ignition coil.
6. Remove alternator drive belt, alternator mounting bolts, then position alternator aside.
7. Disconnect upper and lower radiator hoses from engine.
8. Disconnect heater hoses from engine.
9. Remove radiator guard, then the radiator assembly from vehicle.
10. Disconnect heater assembly from metal tube.
11. Mark then disconnect all electrical connectors and vacuum hoses from engine.
12. Disconnect fuel supply and return lines from intake manifold brackets.
13. On models with power brakes, disconnect power booster vacuum hose from engine.
14. Disconnect accelerator cable from air throttle body assembly, then remove cable routing bracket attaching screws.

Fig. 1 Lefthand front No. 1 insulator. 5 speed manual transaxle:

Fig. 2 Lefthand front No. 1 insulator. 4 speed manual transaxle:

Fig. 3 Lefthand front No. 1 insulator. Automatic transaxle:

Fig. 4 Lefthand rear No. 4 insulator. Automatic transaxle:

Fig. 5 Lefthand rear No. 4 insulator. Manual transaxle:

Fig. 6 Righthand No. 3A insulator. All:

15. Disconnect vapor hose from carbon canister tube.
16. Disconnect purge hose from canister purge solenoid.
17. Raise and support vehicle.
18. Remove oil cooler assembly.
19. Remove clamp from heater supply and return lines.
20. Disconnect battery cable from starter motor.
21. Remove brace from front of starter motor.
22. Remove starter motor assembly from engine.
23. Disconnect exhaust pipe from turbocharger assembly.
24. Remove inspection cover, exhaust pipe support bracket and crankshaft pulley.
25. Remove timing belt cover lower attaching bolts.
26. Remove flywheel housing lower attaching bolts.
27. Remove bolt securing battery ground cable to cylinder block.
28. Remove nut and bolt attaching No. 3A insulator bracket to the engine bracket located at front of engine, Figs. 1 through 6.
29. Disconnect EGR tube from intake manifold.
30. Disconnect pulse air hose at check valve and air cleaner assembly.
31. Lower vehicle.
32. Install suitable engine lifting equipment onto engine lifting eyes.
33. Remove nuts attaching casting to No. 3A insulator, then the casting.
34. Remove remaining timing belt cover attaching bolts, then the cover.
35. Position a suitable jack under transaxle assembly. Raise jack enough to support the weight of the transaxle.
36. Remove flywheel housing upper attaching bolts.
37. Remove engine from vehicle.
38. Reverse procedure to install.