Repair and Diagnosis: Technical Service Bulletins
- How to Find Technical Service Bulletins by Category/Symptom
- Recalls
- Emissions
- Generals
- Campaign - Steering Gear Inspection/Replacement
- Campaign - Luggage Compartment Decklid Inspection
- Safety
- Customer Interest
- A/C - Musty Odor Coming From Vents
- Heater - Inadequate Output
- Fuel Pump - Buzzing/Humming After Engine Shut Down
- Throttle Position Sensor - Rough Idle/Detonation
- Fuel Tank/Filters - Poor Driveability/Fuel Starvation
- Engine - Loss of Power/Surging or Stalling
- Engine - Poor Performance/Fuel Starvation
- Brakes - Roughness During Application
- Front Disc Brakes - Clicking Noise
- Fuel Control Solenoid - Stumble/Stall/Loss of Power
- Carburetor - Engine Idles Rough/Stalls
- Fuel Control Solenoid -Hesitation/Sag On Acceleration
- Fuel Control Solenoid - Hesitation/Surge
- Carburetor Duty Cycle Solenoid - Surge/Miss
- Carburetor Duty Cycle Solenoid - Surge On Acceleration
- Fuel Control Solenoid - Surge/Miss On Acceleration
- Spark Plugs - Misfires/Rough Running, Loss of Power
- Engine - Loss of Power, Misfires, Rough Running
- A/C - Vibration/Rumbling/Moaning
- A/C Compressor - Clutch Slippage
- Blower Motor - Chirping/Squeaking
- Heater Core - Intermittent Moaning Noise
- Suspension - Clunking Noise Form Front End
- Front Suspension - Rubbing/Scraping Noise
- Steering - Squeaking Noise
- Power Steering Gear - Pinion Seal Leaks
- Steering Gear Input Shaft Seal - Fluid Leak
- Engine - Hard Start/No Start/Runs Rough
- Engine - Surge/Hardstarting/Hesitation On Driveaway
- A/C Control Cable - Disengages From Bracket
- Engine - Surging/Bucking During Acceleration
- Front Coil Springs - Rattle/Clunk On Rough Road
- Wheels - Shake/Steering Wheel Nibble
- Alignment - Outside Edge Tire Wear
- Interior Door Panel - Scuffed or Damaged
- Weatherstrip Secondary Seal - Torn
- Door - Wind Noise/Water Leaks
- Roof/Door - Paint Chipping
- Idles Rough Carburetor Floods
- Engine - Eratic Idle/Hesitation/Poor Economy
- Engine - Sag/Hesitation During the 1-2 Upshift
- Driveability Concerns - Information Update
- EGR Harness - 1st to 2nd Gear Shift Sag/Hesitation
- Rear Brakes - Squealing Noise
- Battery - Discharging Due to Component Current Drain
- Glove Compartment Light - Remains On
- Alternator/Regulator - Driveability Concerns
- Engine - Surge/Stall/Poor Idle/AM Radio Noise
- Starter - Engages While Engine Is Running
- Starter Relay - Intermittent Rough Idle/Stalls
- Instrument Cluster Warning Lights - Dimly Lit
- Engine - Cranks/No Start/Stalls At Idle
- TFI Module - No Start/Intermittent Run
- Ignition System - Weak/No Spark
- Engine/Ignition - No Start Condition
- Ignition Coil - Possible Damage From Antitheft Devices
- Ignition Coil - Stumbles/Stalls/Noise In Radio
- Distributor - Spark Tracking/Arcing/Crossfire
- Carburetor - Idles Rough/Stalls Cold
- Engine/Carburetor - Poor Performance
- EVAP System - Stalling/Hesitation
- Premium Radio - Intermittent Sound Boost Operation
- Radio - Whining Noise From Speakers
- Seat Belt D Ring - Does Not Move Freely
- Engine Vacuum System - Starting/Driveability Problems
- Fuel Sender - Sticking/Binding
- Wiper Motor - Inoperative/Won't Park
- Heater Inlet Tube - Coolant Leak
- Cylinder Head/Block - Coolant/Oil Leaks
- Oil Pan Gasket - Oil Leaks
- Chassis Components - Cosmetic Surface Rust
- Glove Box Lock Cylinder - Rattles on Rough Roads
- Exhaust System - Hard Start/No Start and Stalls
- Exhaust - Squeaky Flex Joint Gasket
- Power Door Locks - Are Inoperative
- Doors - Excessive Bounce Back on Opening
- Rear Door - Booming Noise When Slammed
- Manual Vent Windows - Hard to Open
- Door Glass - Binding and Rattling When Down
- Door Glass - Tube Guides
- Vent Windows - May Stick to Weatherstrip
- Door Glass Weatherstrip - Puckers/Fits Poorly
- Wiper/Washer - Low Fluid Warning Light Stays On
- Outside Rear View Mirror - Vibrates
- Door Panel - Armrest Loose/Detached
- Ash Receptacle - Pulls Out of Console
- Flywheel - Knocking On Start-Up
- A/T - Synthetic Fluid Availability
- Control Arm - Snap/Pop/Clunk Noise
- Fuel Control Solenoid - Metallic Clicking Noise At Idle
- Fuel Control Solenoid - Clicking Noise
- Fuel Filler Door Latch - Remote Control Inoperative
- Fuel Filler Door - Inoperative
- Instrument Panel - Peeling/Blistered
- Engine - Hard Starting/Surge On Driveaway
- Engine Harness - Hesitation Intermittent Miss/Stall
- Speedometer/Speed Control - Inoperative
- Door/Vent Windows - Excessive Efforts to Open
- Exterior Clearcoat - Cracking/Eroding/Peeling Off
- A/C Cut Out Switch - No Compressor Engagement
- A/C System - Chemical/Refrigerator Type Odor
- Steering Column - Scraping/Raspy/Grunting Noise
- A/T - 3rd - 2nd/2nd - 3rd Gear Shift Hunting
- A/T - Sensitive Downshift and 3-2/2-3 Shift Cycling
- A/T - ATX Shift Problems
- A/T - ATX, 2nd to 3rd/3rd to 2nd Gear Shift Hunting
- Engine - No Start/Idle Rough/Spark Knock
- Sun Visor - Vanity Mirror Cover Will Stay Closed
- Sun Visors - Do Not Remain In the Stowed Position
- Driver's Side Sun Visor - Loose
- Carburetor - Stall After Cold Start and Driveaway
- Carburetor - No Restart/Runs Out Of Fuel
- Engine - Cold Stalling/No Start Condition
- Driver's Power Seat - Rocks Fore and Aft
- Front Seat - Insufficient Height
- Body Side Seam - Water Leaks
- Right Hand Cowl Area - Noise/Squeak
- Heater/Air Conditioner - Foreign Objects Enter Plenum
- Body/Frame - Squeak From Cowl Area
- Evaporator Case - Water Leaks to The Interior
- Shift Lever - High Shift Effort From PARK
- Shift Lever - Cannot Be Pulled Out of Park Position
- Parking Brake Indicator Light - Stays ON
- Front Door Trim Panel - Map Pocket Breaks/Separates
- Seat Back - (Passenger Front) Movement When Braking
- Labor/Parts Updates
- Seals, Gaskets
- Superceded Bulletins
- 91237 - 11/13/91
- 91214 - 10/16/91
- 91118 - 05/30/91
- 90146 - 07/15/90
- 90113 - 05/23/90
- 89311 - 02/08/89
- 89193 - 09/20/89
- 881710 - 08/17/88
- 86111 - 01/13/86
- 85412 - 02/21/85
- 85132 - 07/01/85
- 84231 - 11/06/84
- 84223S - 12/05/84
- Speedometer/Odometer - Accuracy
- A/C - Approved Flushing Procedures
- Air Conditioning - Musty or Mildew Type Odors
- A/C System - Musty/Mildew Odors
- A/C - O Ring Removal From Spring Lock Coupling
- Blower Motor - Chirping/Squeaking At Low Speeds
- Blower Motor - Chirping or Squeaking Noise
- Steering Gear - Pinion Seal Leak
- Electrical Diode - Identification/Service Replacements
- Brakes - Special Lubricant Requirements
- Brake Rotor - Machining With On-Vehicle Equipment
- A/T - ATX Shift Concerns
- PFE EGR System - MIL ON/DTC's 31/32 Set
- Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensors - Silicone Contamination
- Cooling System - Diagnosis Procedure
- A/T - Fluid Application Charts
- A/C System - New A/C Filter Kit
- A/C - New Filter to Prevent Compressor Damage
- A/C System - New Filter Kit
- Air Conditioning - Prevent Damage to Compressor
- A/C - Refrigerant Filtering Tips
- A/C - Refrigerant Filtering Service Tips
- A/C System - Refrigerant Filtering Service Tips
- Wheels - Proper Lug Torque Procedures
- Brakes - Vibration Prevention Service tip
- Recycled Engine Coolant - Service Tip
- A/T - Transmission Fluid Usage Charts
- Automatic Transmission - Fluid Usage Charts
- A/C - Filter Kit Installation After Replacing Compressor
- A/C Compressor Replacement - Refrigerant Filtering
- A/C System - Use of R12 Refrigerant Substitutes
- Air Conditioning - Filtering Refrigerant
- All Technical Service Bulletins
- Special Tools - Rotunda Equipment
- RTV Sealant - Improved Material
- Underhood Production Date Stamp - Relocation
- Brakes - Noise Diagosis/Repair TSB Sumary
- Overview
- Brake Noise Description and Application Chart
- Article No. 85-4-31
- Article No. 86-12-5
- Article No. 86-19-5
- Article No. 87-8-14
- Article No. 87-13-20
- Article No. 87-16-7
- Article No. 87-20-14
- Article No. 87-20-15
- Article No. 87-23-11
- Article No. 88-13-7
- Article No. 88-14-6
- Article No. 88-20-6
- Article No. 88-21-2
- Article No. 88-25-9
- Article No. 89-1-13
- A/C - Musty Odor Coming From Vents
- Dealer Installed A/C - Air Distribution Modification
- Dealer Installed A/C - New Engine Component Kit
- A/C - Windshield and Side Window Fogging
- Air Conditioning - Odor Service Procedure
- A/C System - Operation With Mechanical Controls
- Heater - Inadequate Output
- A/C System - Service TSB List
- Air Conditioning - Return of Obsolete Filter Kits
- A/C - Filtering Refrigerant After Compressor Replacement
- Adhesives and Sealants - Availability and Usage
- Engine - Manual Revisions
- Engine - Shop Manual Revisions
- Engine - Code Information
- Electrical - New Terminal Grease Released For Service
- Air Charge Temperature Sensor - Manual Revisions
- Fuel Pump - Buzzing/Humming After Engine Shut Down
- Throttle Position Sensor - Rough Idle/Detonation
- TPS Mounting Screws - Hard to Remove
- Throttle Position Sensor - Application Chart
- Diagnostic Manual Revision
- Fuel Filter - Replacement Information
- Fuel Tank/Filters - Poor Driveability/Fuel Starvation
- Engine - Loss of Power/Surging or Stalling
- Engine - Poor Performance/Fuel Starvation
- Electric Fuel Pump - New Service Procedure
- Brakes - Rotor Service Update
- Brakes - Roughness During Application
- Front Disc Brakes - Clicking Noise
- Fuel Control Solenoid - Stumble/Stall/Loss of Power
- Carburetor - Engine Idles Rough/Stalls
- Fuel Control Solenoid -Hesitation/Sag On Acceleration
- Fuel Control Solenoid - Hesitation/Surge
- Carburetor Duty Cycle Solenoid - Surge/Miss
- Carburetor Duty Cycle Solenoid - Surge On Acceleration
- Fuel Control Solenoid - Surge/Miss On Acceleration
- Graphic Display - False or No Warnings
- Spark Plugs - Misfires/Rough Running, Loss of Power
- Spark Plugs - Shorting/Altered Scope Pattern
- Engine - Loss of Power, Misfires, Rough Running
- A/C - Vibration/Rumbling/Moaning
- A/C - Warner Compressor Clutch Replacement
- A/C Compressor - Clutch Slippage
- Fan Motor - Replacement Precautions
- Blower Motor - Chirping/Squeaking
- A/C - Orifice Tube Replacement Service Kit
- Air Conditioning - Approved Flushing Procedures
- Heater Core - Leakage Diagnostic Tips
- Heater Core - Intermittent Moaning Noise
- Front Sruts - Revised Removal and Installation
- Suspension - Clunking Noise Form Front End
- Front Suspension - Rubbing/Scraping Noise
- Recall 85V086000: Rear Suspension Bolts Fracture
- Recall 85V145000: Rear Suspension Bolts Fracture
- Inner Tie Rod - Replacement Procedure
- Steering - Squeaking Noise
- Power Steering Gear - Pinion Seal Leaks
- Power Steering Gear - Pinion Seal Replacement
- Steering Gear Input Shaft Seal - Fluid Leak
- Steering Gear - Service Replacement Gear
- Steering Rack - Pinion Seal Leaks
- Rack and Pinion Steering Gear - New Design
- Steering Gear - Simplified Valve Seal Service
- Steering Gear - Attaching Hardware
- Campaign - Steering Gear Inspection/Replacement
- Engine - Hard Start/No Start/Runs Rough
- Engine Timing Components - Service Procedures
- Overview
- Front Damper - Removal
- Front Damper - Installation
- Front Cover Seal - Removal
- Front Cover Seal - Installation
- Front Cover Removal Procedure
- Oil Pan -Removal
- Front Cover, Timing Chain and Sprockets - Removal
- Front Cover, Timing Chain and Sprockets - Installation
- Oil Pan - Removal and Installation Procedure
- Oil Filler - Oil Backup and Spill-Over While Filling
- Cooling System - New System Diagnostics
- Engine - Surge/Hardstarting/Hesitation On Driveaway
- Aluminum Radiator - Repair Precautions
- Radiator - Identification and Service Procedures
- Crankshaft Seal - Leaks, Air Pressure Test
- Engine Rear Main Seal - Engine in Vehicle Replacement
- Muffler - Drain Hole Misdiagnosis
- A/C Control Cable - Disengages From Bracket
- Engine - Surging/Bucking During Acceleration
- Exhaust Manifold Bolts - Protrude Into Oil Passages
- Front Coil Springs - Rattle/Clunk On Rough Road
- Front/Rear Suspension - Spring Usage
- Shock Absorber - Manual Revisions
- Wheels - Loss Of Balance Weights
- Aluminum Wheels - Wear/Corrosion Damage
- Wheels - Shake/Steering Wheel Nibble
- Tire - Painted Whitewall
- Tires - Normal Outer Edge Wear
- Alignment - Rear Toe Adjustment Procedure
- Alignment - Outside Edge Tire Wear
- Tires - Michelin TRX Availability
- Aluminum Wheel - New Improved Wrench Adapter
- Wheel Bolts - New, Shorter Front Wheel Bolts
- Lug Nuts - Proper Installation/Torqueing Procedure
- Wheel Stud - Removal Procedure
- Power Window Regulator - Counterbalance Spring
- Interior Door Panel - Scuffed or Damaged
- Window Regulator Handle - Improved Attachment
- Weatherstrip Secondary Seal - Torn
- Door - Wind Noise/Water Leaks
- Front Door Weatherstrips - Shredded/Worn
- Roof/Door - Paint Chipping
- Windnoise - Diagnosis and Service Procedures
- Differential Pinion Bolt - Removal Aid
- A/T - ATX Final Gear Housing Bolt Replacement
- EEC IV MAP Sensor - New Part Numbers/Applications
- Idles Rough Carburetor Floods
- Engine - Eratic Idle/Hesitation/Poor Economy
- A/T Torque Converter - Leak Test Procedure
- Throttle Valve Linkage - Adjustment Procedure
- Engine - Sag/Hesitation During the 1-2 Upshift
- Driveability Concerns - Information Update
- Injector O-Rings - Ordering Information
- Fuel Injectors - Rotunda Injector Tester/Cleaner
- Fuel System - Injector Tester/Cleaner Service Tips
- EGO Sensors - Silicone Contamination
- EVP Sensors - Non Interchangeable
- EGR Harness - 1st to 2nd Gear Shift Sag/Hesitation
- EGR Solenoids - Contamination
- Front Hub - New Retaining Nut Design
- Rear Brakes - Squealing Noise
- Battery - Discharging Due to Component Current Drain
- Glove Compartment Light - Remains On
- Alternator/Regulator - Integral Design Service Procedure
- Alternator/Regulator - Driveability Concerns
- Engine - Surge/Stall/Poor Idle/AM Radio Noise
- Alternator - Rectifier Bench Test Procedure
- Starter - Engages While Engine Is Running
- Starter Relay - Intermittent Rough Idle/Stalls
- Instrument Cluster Warning Lights - Dimly Lit
- Engine - Cranks/No Start/Stalls At Idle
- TFI Module - No Start/Intermittent Run
- Ignition System Resistance - Manual Revision
- Duraspark II Ignition - Revised Applications
- TFI Module/PIP Sensor - New Diagnostic Procedure
- Ignition System - Weak/No Spark
- EEC Universal Distributor - Drive Gear Removal Tool
- Engine/Ignition - No Start Condition
- Ignition Coil - Possible Damage From Antitheft Devices
- Ignition System - Diagnostics Manual Correction
- Ignition Coil - Stumbles/Stalls/Noise In Radio
- Distributor - Spark Tracking/Arcing/Crossfire
- Ignition System - Octane Rod Replacement Deletion
- Carburetor - Idles Rough/Stalls Cold
- Engine/Carburetor - Poor Performance
- Choke Adjustment - Manual Correction
- EVAP System - Stalling/Hesitation
- Fuel Tube/Connector - Service Procedure
- EEC IV Power Relay - Location Correction
- Recall - Emission System Modifications
- AM/FM Cassette Radio - Dial Lighting Dim
- Premium Radio - Intermittent Sound Boost Operation
- Radio - Whining Noise From Speakers
- Radio - System Diagnostics/Tips
- Overview
- Product Feature Tips
- Common Concerns
- Radio Sometimes Difficult to Tune; Tuning Knob or Pushbuttons Inoperative
- Poor and Noisy Reception, Ignition Noise, Missing and Faulty Noise
- Antenna System & One Speaker Does Not Work
- Two or More Speakers Do Not Work, Poor Sound Quality
- Speaker Indicator Light, Tape Player and Premium Sound
- Radio Does Not Transmit, Radio Transmission and Flutter
- FM Multipath Cancellation and Capture, Fading and Static
- Signal Interference, FM Reception
- Typical Entertainment System Troubleshooting Tips
- Premium Sound Radio System - Unique Features
- Recall - Seat Belt Spacer Installation
- Seat Belt D Ring - Does Not Move Freely
- Seat/Shoulder Belts - General Service Information
- Overview
- Section 1 -Identification of Seat Belt System Types For Model Years 1974-1985
- Section 2-Description of Seat Belt System For Model Years 1974-1985
- A.Continuous Loop Three-Point Shoulder/Lap Belt - System With Moveable Tongue and One Retractor - 1976 to Present Cars and Ligh
- B.Dual Retractor Three-Point Shoulder/Lap System - 1974 to 1983 Cars and Light Trucks and 1974 to 1985 Econolines and Club Wago
- C.Two-Point System - Center Front/Rear and Rear Seat Lap Belts
- Section 3-Functional Test Procedure For Shoulder Harness
- Section 4-Functional Test Procedure For Lap Belts and Retractor
- Section 5-Seat Belt Procedure After an Accident
- Section 6-Cleaning Belt Webbing
- Section 7-Service Parts
- Section 8-Service Recalls Involving Seat Belts
- Section 9-TSB's Involving Seat Belts
- Recall 83V134000: Seat Belt Retainer Bolt Inadequate
- Recall - Seat Belt `D-Ring' Replacement
- Brake Rotor - Machining Equipment/Warranty Information
- Engine - Oil Dipstick May Not Be Read Correctly
- Special Specifications Issue
- Overview
- Section 1 General Information
- Section 2 Automatic Transmissions Cars and Trucks
- Model Identification and Location
- 1984 Stall Speed Specifications
- Control Pressure Specifications
- Shift Speeds - Actual M.P.H.
- 1984 C3 Automatic Transmission
- 1984 C5 Automatic Transmission
- 3.8L Engine
- 2.73 A/R LTD/Marquis 50S E4DP-7000-DA, GA
- 3.8L Engine 2.73 A/R Thunderbird/Cougar 50S E4SP-7000-BA
- 3.8L Engine 3.08 A/R LTD/Marquis Thunderbird/Cougar Unique Canada E4DP-7000-LA
- 3.8L Engine 2.73 A/R Mustang/Capri 50S/Alt E4ZP-7000-CA
- 3.8L Engine 2.73 A/R Mustang/Capri Alt E4ZP-7000-CA
- 3.8L Engine 2.73 A/R Mustang/Capri Canada E4ZP-7000-EA
- 4.9L Engine - F-Series
- 5.0L Engine
- 2.8L Engine 4 X 4 - Bronco II/Ranger
- 3.8L Engine
- 1984 C6 Automatic Transmission
- Trans Models:Pgd-FB-FC
- Trans Models:Pjd-BA-BB-BC-W-Z
- Trans Models:Pgd-DK-DL-DW-EC-DP
- Trans Models:Pgd-DK-DW-DL (Altitude)
- Trans Models:Pgd-BF-Ep-EA-DC-Eu
- Trans Models:Pgd-A-AW-DB-EC-Eg-Ek
- Trans Models:Pje-A-B-C-D-E
- Trans Models:Pje-A-B-C-D-E (Altitude)
- Trans Models:Pgd-Ev-Ew-Ey-EZ-Fa
- Trans Models:Pgd-Ev-Ew-Ey-EZ-Fa (Altitude)
- 1984 AOD Transmission
- 5.8L HO Engine 2.73 A/R-Passenger Car
- 5.0L Engine
- 5.0L Continental/Mark VII 50S/CAN/Alt 3.08 A/R Calif. 3.08/3.27 A/R E45P-7000-DA and E4LP-7000-AC
- 5.0L HO 3.27 Air Mustang/Capri 50S/CAN/Alt E4ZP-7000-AC
- 5.0L 3.08 A/R 50S/CAN Ford/Mercury Ford Police W/ and W/0 Low Gear Lockout Lincoln Town Car E4AD-7000-Ha, E4AP-7000-GA, E4VP-70
- 5.0L Engine 3.55 A/R Ford/Mercury Ford Police W/ and W/0 Low Gear Lockout E4AP-7000-Fa, E4AP-7000-EA 50S/CAN/Alt
- 5.0L Engine 3.55 A/R Lincoln Town Car E4VP-7000-CA 50S/CAN/Alt
- 5.0L Engine 3.08 A/R Thunderbird/Cougar E4SP-7000-DA 50S/CAN/Alt
- 3.8L Engine
- 5.0L Engine-F-Series
- 5.0L Engine 50S/CAN/Alt-E-Series
- 4.9L Engine 3.08 A/R-F-Series
- 4.9L Engine - E/F-Series
- 5.0L Engine 4.10 A/R - E-Series
- 1984 ATX Transaxle
- Section 3 Passenger Car Calibration Specifications
- 1.6L Engine
- Calibration:4-03A-R00 Motorcraft 740 E4GE-9510-LA (A/C) E4GE-9510-Ka (Non A/C)
- Calibration:4-03F-R00 Motorcraft 740 E4EE-9510-ACA
- Calibration:4-03G-R00 Motorcraft 740 E4EE-9510-ADA
- Calibration:4-03H-R00 Motorcraft 740 E4GE-9510-Sa
- Calibration:4-03K-R00 Motorcraft 740 E4EE-9510-YA (A/C) E4EE-9510-ABA (Non A/C)
- Calibration:4-03P-R00 Motorcraft 740 E4EE-9510-AAA
- Calibration:4-03S-R00 Motorcraft 740 E4GE-9510-MA
- Calibration:4-04A-R04 Motorcraft 740 E4GE-9510-Ua
- Calibration:4-04H-R00 Motorcraft 740 E4GE-9510-Ta
- Calibration:4-04S-R06 Motorcraft 740 E4GE-9510-Ra
- Calibration:4-27A-R00 Ford EFI E4EE-9H487-BA
- Calibration:4-27T-R00 Ford EFI Turbo E4EX-9H487-AC
- Calibration:4-28A-R00 Ford EFI E4EE-9H487-AB
- 2.3L Engine
- Calibration:3-05E-R12 Ford EFI Turbo E4ZE-9H487-AB
- Calibration:4-05A-R00 Carter YFA-FB E4ZE-9510-DB
- Calibration:4-05B-R00 Carter YFA-FB E4ZE-9510-DB
- Calibration:4-05H-R00 Carter YFA E4ZE-9510-MA (A/C or Non A/C) E4ZE-9510-NA (Non A/C)
- Calibration:4-05H-R10 Carter YFA E4ZE-9510-MA (A/C or Non A/C) 4ZE-9510-NA (Non A/C)
- Calibration:4-05S-R00 Ford EFI Turbo E4ZE-9H487-AB
- Calibration:4-06A-R10 Carter YFA-FB E4ZE-9510-HC
- Calibration:4-06E-R00 Ford EFI Turbo E4ZE-9H487-AB
- Calibration:4-06H-R00 Carter YFA E4ZE-9510-Pa (A/C or Non A/C) E4ZE-9510-Ra (Non A/C)
- Calibration:4-06H-R10 Carter YFA E4ZE-9510-Pa (A/C or Non A/C) E4ZE-9510-Ra (Non A/C)
- Calibration:4-06N-R00 Carter YFA-FB E4ZE-9510-HC
- Calibration:4-25D-R12 Holley 6149-FB E43E-9510-Va
- Calibration:4-25D-R13 Holley 6149-FB E43E-9510-Va
- Calibration:4-25E-R01 Holley 6149-FB E43E-9510-Va
- Calibration:4-25F-R00 Holley 6149-FB E43E-9510-Va
- Calibration:4-25G-R11 Holley 1949 E43E-9510-ADA (A/C) E43E-9510-Aea (Non A/C)
- Calibration:4-26D-R16 Holley 6149-FB E43E-9510-ZA
- Calibration:4-26D-R18 Holley 6149-FB E43E-9510-ZA
- Calibration:4-26E-R00 Holley 6149-FB E43E-9510-ZA
- Calibration:4-26G-R11 Holley 1949 E43E-9510-ABA E43E-9510-ABB (A/C) E43E-9510-ACA E43E-9510-Acb (Non A/C)
- Calibration:4-26S-R13 Holley 6149-FB E43E-9510-ZA
- 3.8L Engine
- Calibration:4-14G-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E4SE-9510-CA (A/C) E4SE-9510-DA (Non A/C)
- Calibration:4-14G-R03 Motorcraft 2150 E4SE-9510-CA (A/C) E4SE-9510-DA (Non A/C)
- Calibration:4-16A-R00 Ford CFI E4AE-9C973-DC (C-5 Trans) E4AE-9C973-cc (AOD Trans)
- Calibration:4-16B-R00 Ford CFI E4AE-9C973-cc
- Calibration:4-16F-R00 Ford CFI E4AE-9C973-DC
- Calibration:4-16N-R00 Ford CFI E4AE-9C973-cc
- Calibration:4-16P-R00 Ford CFI E4AE-9C973-cc (AOD Trans) E4AE-9C973-DC (C-5 Trans)
- Calibration:4-16S-R00 Ford CFI E4AE-9C973-DC
- 5.0L Engine
- Calibration:2-20H-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E3EA-9510-EA
- Calibration:3-22D-R00 Ford CFI E45E-9C973-EA
- Calibration:3-22D-R00 Ford CFI E45E-9C973-EA
- Calibration:4-22B-R00 Ford CFI E4AE-9C973-Fa E4AE-9C973-FB
- Calibration:4-22C-R00 Ford CFI E4AE-9C973-Fa E4AE-9C973-FB
- Calibration:4-22D-R00 Ford CFI E4AE-9C973-Kb
- Calibration:4-22D-R10 Ford CFI E4AE-9C973-Kb
- Calibration:4-22F-R00 Ford CFI E4AE-9C973-Fa E4AE-9C973-FB
- Calibration:4-22H-R00 Ford CFI E4AE-9C973-Fa E4AE-9C973-FB
- Calibration:4-22Q-R00 Ford CFI E4AE-9C973-Fa E4AE-9C973-FB
- 5.8L Engines
- 1.6L Engine
- Section 4 Truck (Light) Calibration Specifications
- 2.0L Engine
- 2.3L Engine
- Calibration:3-49G-R20 Carter YFA E37E-9510-Lb
- Calibration:3-49G-R20 Carter YFA E37E-9510-Lb
- Calibration:3-49H-R17 Carter YFA E37E-9510-Lb
- Calibration:3-49S-R16 Carter YFA E37E-9510-Lb
- Calibration:3-49T-R20 Carter YFA E37E-9510-NB
- Calibration:3-49T-R20 Carter YFA E37E-9510-NB
- Calibration:3-49Y-R20 Carter YFA E37E-9510-Rb
- Calibration:3-49Y-R20 Carter YFA E37E-9510-Rb
- Calibration:3-50H-R18 Carter YFA E37E-9510-BB
- Calibration:3-50S-R18 Carter YFA E37E-9510-BB
- Calibration:3-50Y-R18 Carter YFA E37E-9510-TB
- 2.8L Engine
- Calibration:4-61 F-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E37E-9510-ABA
- Calibration:4-61F-R10 Motorcraft 2150 E37E-9510-Aea
- Calibration:4-61G-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E37E-9510-Aea
- Calibration:4-61K-R01 Motorcraft 2150 E47E-9510-Va
- Calibration:4-61K-R01 Motorcraft 2150 E47E-9510-Va
- Calibration:4-61S-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E37E-9510-ABA
- Calibration:4-62D-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E37E-9510-AAA
- Calibration:4-62D-R10 Motorcraft 2150 E47E-9510-Ta
- Calibration:4-62S-R01 Motorcraft 2150 E37E-9510-ADA
- Calibration:4-62S-R10 Motorcraft 2150 E37E-9510-ADA
- 4.9L Engine
- Calibration:4-51D-R01 Carter YFA E4TE-9510-Va
- Calibration:4-51E-R00 Carter YFA E4TE-9510-Ha
- Calibration:4-51F-R01 Carter YFA E4TE-9510-Fa
- Calibration:4-51H-R00 Carter YFA E4TE-9510-Fa
- Calibration:4-51K-R00 Carter YFA E4TE-9510-Ha
- Calibration:4-51L-R00 Carter YFA E4TE-9510-Ua
- Calibration:4-51R-R00 Carter YFA E4TE-9510-Ha
- Calibration:4-51S-R00 Carter YFA E4TE-9510-Fa
- Calibration:4-51S-R01 Carter YFA E4TE-9510-Fa
- Calibration:4-51S-R02 Carter YFA E4TE-9510-Fa
- Calibration:4-51T-R00 Carter YFA E4TE-9510-AAA
- Calibration:4-51Z-R00 Carter YFA E4TE-9510-AAA
- Calibration:4-52G-R00 Carter YFA E4TE-9510-Ha
- Calibration:4-52L-R00 Carter YFA E4TE-9510-Ha
- Calibration:4-52R-R00 Carter YFA E4TE-9510-Ha
- Calibration:4-52S-R00 Carter YFA E4TE-9510-GA
- Calibration:4-52T-R00 Carter YFA E4TE-9510-EA
- Calibration:4-52W-R00 Carter YFA E4TE-9510-ZA
- 5.0L Engine
- Calibration:4-53F-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Ama
- Calibration:4-53F-R10 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Ama
- Calibration:4-53G-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Ama
- Calibration:4-53G R10 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Ama
- Calibration:4-53K-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Ama
- Calibration:4-53K-R10 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Ama
- Calibration:4-53L-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Aea
- Calibration:4-53L-R10 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Ama
- Calibration:4-53Z-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Aea
- Calibration:4-53Z-R10 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Aea
- Calibration:4-54E-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Ala
- Calibration:4-54E-R10 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Ala
- Calibration:4-54J-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Apa
- Calibration:4-54J-R10 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Apa
- Calibration:4-54L-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Aka
- Calibration:4-54L-R10 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Aka
- Calibration:4-54R-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Aha
- Calibration:4-54R-R10 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Aha
- Calibration:4-54T-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Aja
- Calibration:4-54T-R10 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Aja
- Calibration:4-54W-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-AFA
- Calibration:4-54W-R10 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-AFA
- 5.8L Engine
- Calibration:4-63H-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-ADA
- Calibration:4-64H-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-ACA
- Calibration:4-64H-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-ACA
- Calibration:4-64T-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-ACA
- Calibration:4-64T-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-ACA
- Calibration:4-64Y-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-ACA
- 4.9L Engine
- 5.0L Engine
- 5.8L, 7.0L & 7.5L Engine
- Calibration:2-75A-R10 Motorcraft 2150 E3UE-9510-EA
- Calibration:2-75J-R20 Motorcraft 2150 E3UE-9510-EA
- Calibration:2-76A-R10 Motorcraft 2150 E3UE-9510-DA
- Calibration:2-76J-R20 Motorcraft 2150 E3UE-9510-DA
- Calibration:3-98S-R10 Holley 4180C-4V Man. E3TE-9510-Tc Auto E3TE-9510-Sc
- Calibration:3-97J-R10 Holley 4180C-4V Man. E3TE-9510-Pd Auto E3TE-9510-RD
- Calibration:9-87G-R11 Holley 4190 Eg-4V L&C Series Cal E3HE-9510-AA F&B Series Cal E3HE-9510-BA L&C Series 49S E3HE-9510-CA F&B
- Section 5 Diesel - Car and Truck Calibration Specifications
- Early Driveability and Other Product Concerns
- Engine Vacuum System - Starting/Driveability Problems
- Fuel Sender - Sticking/Binding
- Fuel Gauge - Concern Summary Reprints
- Overview
- Gauge - Fuel - Reads 1/4 Full When Empty
- Gauge - Fuel - Reads 3/4 When Full
- Gauge - Fuel - Reads Lower Than Expected After Short Period of Driving
- Gauge - Fuel - Fluctuating Fuel Level Gauge - Below 1/2 Tank - CFI With Dial Gauge
- Gauge - Fuel - Fluctuating Fuel Level Gauge - Below 1/2 Tank - CFI With Dial Gauge
- Gauge - Fuel - Erratic Indication Caused By Sticking Fuel Sender/Fuel Pump Sender
- Temperature Gauge - Reads Low/Erratic
- Speedometer/Odometer - Inaccurate Readings
- Wiper Motor - Inoperative/Won't Park
- Heater Inlet Tube - Coolant Leak
- Cylinder Head/Block - Coolant/Oil Leaks
- Oil Pan Gasket - Oil Leaks
- Windnoise
- Quarter Panel - Sealing Procedure
- Chassis Components - Cosmetic Surface Rust
- Antitheft Devices - Installation Precautions
- Aftermarket Antitheft Devices - Hard Start/No Start
- Glove Box Lock Cylinder - Rattles on Rough Roads
- Engine/Emissions - Calibration Index
- Overview
- Section 1 General Information
- Section 3 Passenger Car Calibration Specifications
- 1.6L Engine
- 2.3L Engine
- Calibration:4-06H-R11 Carter YFA E4ZE-9510-Pb (A/C or Non A/C) E4ZE-9510-Rb (Non A/C)
- Calibration:4-25D-R12 Holley 6149-FB E43E-9510-Va
- Calibration:4-25D-R13 Holley 6149-FB E43E-9510-Va
- Calibration:4-25D-R17 Holley 6149-FB E43E-9510-Va
- Calibration:4-25D-R18 Holley 6149-FB E43E-9510-Va
- Calibration:4-25E-R01 Holley 6149-FB E43E-9510-Va
- Calibration:4-26G-R11 Holley 1949 E43E-9510-ABA (A/C) E43E-9510-ABB (A/C Alt.) E43E-9510-ACA (Non A/C) E43E-9510-Acb (Non A/C A
- 3.8L Engines
- 5.0L Engine
- Calibration:2-20H-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E3AE-9510-EA
- Calibration:4-21A-R02 Holley 4180C-4V E4ZE-9510-Sa
- Calibration:4-21A-R15 Holley 4180C-4V E4ZE-9510-Sa E4ZE-9510-YA (Alt.)
- Calibration:4-21P-R12 Holley 4180C-4V E4ZE-9510-Sa E4ZE-9510-YA (Alt.)
- Calibration:4-22A-R13 Ford CFI E4ZE-9C973-BA
- Calibration:4-22F-R00 Ford CFI E4AE-9C973-Fa E4AE-9C973-FB (Alt.)
- Calibration:4-22F-R10 Ford CFI E4AE-9C973-Fa E4AE-9C973-FB (Alt.)
- Calibration:4-22H-R00 Ford CFI E4AE-9C973-Fa E4AE-9C973-FB (Alt.)
- Calibration:4-22P-R12 Ford CFI E4ZE-9C973-BA
- Calibration:4-22Q-R00 Ford CFI E4AE-9C973-Fa E4AE-9C973-FB (Alt.)
- Section 4 Truck (Light and Heavy) Calibration Specifications
- 2.3L Engine
- Calibration:3-49G-R21 Carter YFA E37E-9510-Lb
- Calibration:3-49G-R21 Carter YFA E37E-9510-Lb
- Calibration:3-49H-R18 Carter YFA E37E-9510-Lb
- Calibration:3-49S-R17 Carter YFA E37E-9510-Lb
- Calibration:3-49T-R21 Carter YFA E37E-9510-NB
- Calibration:3-49T-R21 Carter YFA E37E-9510-NB
- Calibration:3-49Y-R21 Carter YFA E37E-9510-Rb
- Calibration:3-49Y-R21 Carter YFA E37E-9510-Rb
- 2.8L Engine
- Calibration:4-61F-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E37E-9510-ABA
- Calibration:4-61F-R10 Motorcraft 2150 E37E-9510-Aea
- Calibration:4-61F-R11 Motorcraft 2150 E37E-9510-Aea
- Calibration:4-61G-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E37E-9510-Aea
- Calibration:4-61G-R10 Motorcraft 2150 E37E-9510-Aea
- Calibration:4-61G-R10 Motorcraft 2150 E37E-9510-Aea
- Calibration:4-61K-R01 Motorcraft 2150 E47E-9510-Va
- Calibration:4-61K-R10 Motorcraft 2150 E47E-9510-Ua
- Calibration:4-61S-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E37E-9510-ABA
- Calibration:4-61S-R10 Motorcraft 2150 E37E-9510-Aea
- Calibration:4-62D-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E37E-9510-AAA
- Calibration:4-62D-R10 Motorcraft 2150 E47E-9510-Ta
- Calibration:4-62D-R11 Motorcraft 2150 E37E-9510-AAA
- Calibration:4-62D-R12 Motorcraft 2150 E47E-9510-Ta
- Calibration:4-62S-R01 Motorcraft 2150 E37E-9510-ADA
- Calibration:4-62S-R10 Motorcraft 2150 E37E-9510-ADA
- Calibration:4-62S-R13 Motorcraft 2150 E37E-9510-ACA
- Calibration:4-62S-R14 Motorcraft 2150 E47E-9510-Va
- Calibration:4-62S-R15 Motorcraft 2150 E47E-9510-Va
- 5.0L Engine
- Calibration:4-53F-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Ama
- Calibration:4-53F-R10 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Ama
- Calibration:4-53F-R11 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Ama
- Calibration:4-53G-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Ama
- Calibration:4-53G-R10 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Ama
- Calibration:4-53G-R11 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Ama CA
- Calibration:4-53K-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Ama
- Calibration:4-53K-R10 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Ama
- Calibration:4-53K-R11 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Ama
- Calibration:4-53K-R11 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Ama
- Calibration:4-53L-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Aea
- Calibration:4-53L-R10 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Ama
- Calibration:4-53L-R11 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Ama
- Calibration:4-53Z-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Aea
- Calibration:4-53Z-R10 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Aea
- Calibration:4-53Z-R11 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Aea
- Calibration:4-53Z-R11 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Aea
- Calibration:4-54E-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Ala
- Calibration:4-54E-R10 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Ala
- Calibration:4-54E-R11 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Ala
- Calibration:4-54E-R11 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Ala
- Calibration:4-54J-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Apa
- Calibration:4-54J-R10 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Apa
- Calibration:4-54J-R11 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Apa
- Calibration:4-54L-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Aka
- Calibration:4-54L-R10 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Aka
- Calibration:4-54L-R11 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Aka
- Calibration:4-54R-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Aha
- Calibration:4-54R-R10 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Aha
- Calibration:4-54R-R11 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Aha
- Calibration:4-54T-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Aja
- Calibration:4-54T-R10 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Aja
- Calibration:4-54T-R11 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-09510-Aja
- Calibration:4-54T-R11 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-Aja
- Calibration:4-54W-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-AFA
- Calibration:4-54W-R10 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-AFA
- Calibration:4-54W-R11 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-AFA
- 5.8L Engine
- Calibration:4-63H-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-ADA
- Calibration:4-64G-R00 Holley 4180C-4V E4TE-9510-Ara
- Calibration:4-64G-R00 Holley 4180C-4V E4TE-9510-Ara
- Calibration:4-64G-R02 Holley 4180C-4V E4TE-9510-Ara
- Calibration:4-64G-R02 Holley 4180C-4V E4TE-9510-Ara
- Calibration:4-64H-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-ACA
- Calibration:4-64H-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-ACA
- Calibration:4-64T-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-ACA
- Calibration:4-64T-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-ACA
- Calibration:4-64Y-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-ACA
- Calibration:4-64Z-R00 Holley 4180C-4V E4TE-9510-Ara
- Calibration:4-64Z-R00 Holley 4180C-4V E4TE-9510-Ara
- 7.5L Engine
- 2.3L Engine
- Section 5 Diesel - Car and Truck Calibration Specifications
- Diagnostic Procedures - Manual revisions
- Emissions - Diagnostic Manual Revisions
- Engine Calibration - Specifications Issue Update
- Overview
- Section 1 General Information
- Section 3 Passenger Car Calibration Specifications
- 1.6L Engine
- Calibration:4-03A-R00 Motorcraft 740 E4GE-9510-LA (A/C) E4GE-9510-Ka (Non A/C)
- Calibration:4-03A-R10 Motorcraft 740 E4GE-9510-LA (A/C) E4GE-9510-Ka (Non A/C)
- Calibration:4-03F-R00 Motorcraft 740 E4EE-9510-ACA
- Calibration:4-03G-R00 Motorcraft 740 E4EE-9510-ADA
- Calibration:4-03G-R10 Motorcraft 740 E4EE-9510-AFA
- Calibration:4-03H-R00 Motorcraft 740 E4GE-9510-Sa
- Calibration:4-03H-R00 Motorcraft 740 E4GE-9510-Sa
- Calibration:4-03K-R00 Motorcraft 740 E4EE-9510-YA (A/C) E4EE-9510-ABA (Non A/C)
- Calibration:4-03K-R10 Motorcraft 740 E4EE-9510-YA (A/C) E4EE-9510-ABA (Non A/C)
- Calibration:4-03P-R00 Motorcraft 740 E4EE-9510-AAA
- Calibration:4-03P-R10 Motorcraft 740 E4EE-9510-AAA
- Calibration:4-03S-R00 Motorcraft 740 E4GE-9510-MA
- Calibration:4-03S-R10 Motorcraft 740 E4GE-9510-MA
- Calibration:4-04A-R04 Motorcraft 740 E4GE-9510-Ua
- Calibration:4-04A-R14 Motorcraft 740 E4GE-9510-Ua
- Calibration:4-04A-R16 Motorcraft 740 E4GE-9510-ZA
- Calibration:4-04H-R00 Motorcraft 740 E4GE-9510-Ta
- Calibration:4-04S-R06 Motorcraft 740 E4GE-9510-Ra
- Calibration:4-04S-R12 Motorcraft 740 E4GE-9510-AAA
- Calibration:4-27A-R02 Ford EFI E4EE-9H487-BA
- 2.3L Engine
- 3.8L Engine
- 5.0L Engine
- 1.6L Engine
- Section 4 Truck (Light) Calibration Specifications
- 2.8L Engine
- 5.0L Engine
- 5.8L Engine
- Calibration:4-63H-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-ADA
- Calibration:4-64G-R00 Holley 4180C-4V E4TE-9510-Ara
- Calibration:4-64G-R00 Holley 4180C-4V E4TE-9510-Ara
- Calibration:4-64G-R02 Holley 4180C-4V E4TE-9510-Ara
- Calibration:4-64G-R02 Holley 4180C-4V E4TE-9510-Ara
- Calibration:4-64H-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-ACA
- Calibration:4-64H-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-ACA
- Calibration:4-64T-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-ACA
- Calibration:4-64T-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-ACA
- Calibration:4-64Y-R00 Motorcraft 2150 E4TE-9510-ACA
- Calibration:4-64Z-R00 Holley 4180C-4V E4TE-9510-Ara
- Calibration:4-64Z-R00 Holley 4180C-4V E4TE-9510-Ara
- Section 5 Diesel - Car and Truck Calibration Specifications
- Emission Control System - Technician's Glossary
- Fuel System - Liquid/Vapor Leak Detection
- Exhaust System - Hard Start/No Start and Stalls
- Exhaust - Squeaky Flex Joint Gasket
- EEC IV - Invalid/Erratic Service Codes
- EEC IV Pinpoint Test - Shop Manual Correction
- EEC Systems - Symptomized Comprehensive TSB Index
- EEC Harness - Engine Stalls/Stumble
- Electronic Modules - Protection From Static Electricity
- Electrical/Electronic/Fuel Induction - Glossary
- Hood Latch - Improved Cable retention
- Tailgate - Hinge/Latch Release Adjustment Revision
- Power Door Locks - Are Inoperative
- Doors - Excessive Bounce Back on Opening
- Rear Door - Booming Noise When Slammed
- Campaign - Luggage Compartment Decklid Inspection
- Safety Belt - Tongue Cover Now Available
- Windshield - Revised Service Procedure
- Windshield - Water Leaks
- Windshield - Revised Installation Procedure
- Windshield - Material Usage Procedure
- Windshield/Interior Glass - Fog/Film
- Manual Vent Windows - Hard to Open
- Door Glass - Binding and Rattling When Down
- Door Glass - Tube Guides
- Vent Windows - May Stick to Weatherstrip
- Glass - Iridescence or Mottling In Tempered Glass
- Door Glass Weatherstrip - Puckers/Fits Poorly
- Wiper Blade - New Blade Protectors
- Wiper/Washer - Low Fluid Warning Light Stays On
- Outside Rear View Mirror - Vibrates
- Bumpers - Isolator and Bracket Assembly Replacement
- Door Panel - Armrest Loose/Detached
- Ash Receptacle - Pulls Out of Console
- Engine Oil - Recommended Usage
- Engine Coolant - Recycled Coolant Not Authorized
- Recycled Engine Coolant - Service Tips
- Coolant Reservoir - Presence of Black Oily Substance
- Power Steering Hose - Removal and Installation Revision
- Brakes - Brake Tube Replacement
- A/T - ATX Improved Direct Clutch Cylinder
- A/T - Maintenance Schedule
- A/T - Removal and Installation Procedure Revision
- A/T - New Rotunda Fluid Changer Service Tip
- Driveability and A/T - Quick Reference Index
- A/T - ATX Revised Piston Seals For Direct Clutch
- A/T - ATX Planetary Gear Design Changes
- A/T - Engine Vacuum Testing
- A/T - How To Use A Pressure Gauge
- A/T - EEC Trouble Codes
- A/T - Diagnostic Trouble Codes for 1983-1992
- A/T - ATX Planetary Gear Interchange
- A/T - Delayed Forward Engagement/Servo Apply Lip Seals
- A/T - ATX Bind-Up In Reverse
- A/T - Drive Axle and Wheel Lug Nut Torque Specifications
- A/T - ATX No Upshift Condition/Occurs Very Suddenly
- A/T - ATX No Upshift/Governor Drive Gear
- A/T - ATX New Right Hand Half Shaft
- A/T - ATX Shifting Problems After Rebuild
- A/T - ATX Problems and Solutions
- A/T - ATX Governor Driving Gear and Driven Gear Wipe Out
- A/T - Pressure Tap Locations
- A/T - ATX Erratic Upshifts Sometimes No Upshift
- A/T - Slipping or No-Shift/Metal Sealing Rings
- A/T - Front Bushing Wear
- A/T - ATX Late or No Upshift
- A/T - ATX No Movement In Any Direction
- A/T - ATX FLC No Movement In Any Direction After Rebuild
- A/T - Installation Of In-Line Fluid Filter and Flow Test
- A/T - Math Formulas Part I
- A/T - Twenty Steps To Successful Repairs
- A/T - ATX New Design Lip Seals
- A/T - Math Part II
- A/T - Choosing the Right ATF
- Manual Transmission - Service Specifications
- Flywheel - Knocking On Start-Up
- Accessory Drive Belt - `V' Ribbed Belt Cracking
- Accessory Drive Belt - Cracking Condition
- A/T - Synthetic Fluid Availability
- A/T, M/T - New `Mercon' Transmission Fluid
- A/T, M/T - Fluid Usage Chart
- Rear Suspension - New Service Parts
- Control Arm - Snap/Pop/Clunk Noise
- Speed Control - New Actuator Cable/Service Procedure
- A/C Controls - Push Button Light Bulb Replacement
- A/C - New Push Button/Blower Switch
- Ignition - Ignition Timing Inspection Procedure
- Fuel Control Solenoid - Metallic Clicking Noise At Idle
- Fuel Control Solenoid - Clicking Noise
- Fuel Filler Door Latch - Remote Control Inoperative
- Fuel Filler Door - Inoperative
- Instrument Panel - Peeling/Blistered
- Engine - Hard Starting/Surge On Driveaway
- Cooling Fan Module - Electrical Schematic Correction
- Driveability TSB's - Summary
- Engine - New Gasket Sealer
- Oil Leak - Rotunda Black Light Diagnostic Procedures
- Electrical - Harness Attachment Modofication
- Engine Harness - Hesitation Intermittent Miss/Stall
- Wiring - Circuit Number/Color Code Charts
- Wiring - Continuity Testing of Connector Terminals
- Wire Harness Terminal and Connector - Service Kit
- Speed Control - New Rotunda Tester Information
- Drivetrain - Manual Revisions
- A/T Speedometer Gear - Installation Precaution
- Speedometer/Speed Control - Inoperative
- Door/Vent Windows - Excessive Efforts to Open
- Safety Belts - Service Procedure, Manual Revision
- Paint - Cosmetic Damage From Airborn Materials
- Paint - Cosmetic Surface Service Procedures
- Paint - Preparation Procedure And MSDS Information
- Exterior Clearcoat - Cracking/Eroding/Peeling Off
- Paint - Iron Particle Removal
- A/C Cut Out Switch - No Compressor Engagement
- A/C - Pressure Cycling Switch Diagnostic Procedure
- A/C System - Chemical/Refrigerator Type Odor
- Electrical Diode - Identification and Replacement
- Molded Wire Connector Assemblies - Service
- Steering Column - Scraping/Raspy/Grunting Noise
- A/T - 3rd - 2nd/2nd - 3rd Gear Shift Hunting
- A/T - Sensitive Downshift and 3-2/2-3 Shift Cycling
- A/T - Main Control/Governor Component Identification
- A/T - ATX Shift Problems
- A/T - ATX, 2nd to 3rd/3rd to 2nd Gear Shift Hunting
- A/C System - Insufficient Cooling
- Engine - No Start/Idles Rough/Knock When Cold
- Engine - No Start/Idle Rough/Spark Knock
- Distributor Stator - Replacement
- Distributor Stator - Replacement Procedures
- Distributor Stator - Replacement Procedure
- Radio - Noise On Units With Premium Sound
- Radio - Noise On Units With Premium Sound
- Sun Visor - Vanity Mirror Cover Will Stay Closed
- Sun Visors - Do Not Remain In the Stowed Position
- Driver's Side Sun Visor - Loose
- Parking Brake Handle - Release Button Rattles
- A/T - Servo Cover and Spring Identification
- Carburetor - Stall After Cold Start and Driveaway
- Carburetor - No Restart/Runs Out Of Fuel
- Engine - Cold Stalling/No Start Condition
- Driver's Power Seat - Rocks Fore and Aft
- Front Seat - Insufficient Height
- Axle Shaft - New Right Hand Interconnecting Shaft
- Front Axle - Vibration Misdiagnosis
- A/C - R12 Refrigerant Substitutes Service Tip
- R-12 Refrigerant - Substitutes
- Air Conditioning - Use of Correct Fluorescent Tracer Dye
- A/T - Planet Gear Service Interchangeability
- Body Side Seam - Water Leaks
- Right Hand Cowl Area - Noise/Squeak
- Heater/Air Conditioner - Foreign Objects Enter Plenum
- Body/Frame - Squeak From Cowl Area
- A/C Coupling - Cleaning Procedures
- A/C - Spring Lock Coupling Service
- Air Conditioning - O Ring Removal Service Tip
- Evaporator Case - Water Leaks to The Interior
- Differential - Revised Removal Procedure
- Shift Lever - High Shift Effort From PARK
- Shift Lever - Cannot Be Pulled Out of Park Position
- Seat Belt - Service Kit For Front Outboard Tongue
- Brakes - New Silicone Compound/Grease
- Parking Brake Indicator Light - Stays ON
- Ignition Timing Procedure - Manual Update
- Engine - Timing Mark Location
- Flywheel Timing Mark - Identification
- Rotunda Gas Chek Kit - Requires Modification
- MAP Sensor - Revised Service Part
- Front Door Trim Panel - Map Pocket Breaks/Separates
- Seat Leather - Cleaning Procedure Tips
- Recall 86V082000: Driver Seat Back Assembly Screws
- Seat Back - (Passenger Front) Movement When Braking
- Seat Back Frame - Unauthorized Service
- A/T - ATX - Revised Converter Hub Seal/Service