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Engine - Driveability Concerns TSB Listings


Article No. 85-13-3




This TSB article provides a list of Driveability concerns on 1984-85 3.8L CFI engines by their most probable cause/corrective actions along with referenced applicable TSB articles. Additionally, the complete TSB articles referenced are provided in this special section, pages 11-46.

Surge - 1. Check/Replace EGR Valve - TSB 85-3-7 1984/85
30/35 MPH Reduced Flow Page 28 T/Bird, Cougar,

LTD, Marquis

2. Check/Repair open in #352 Circuit Shop Manual
(Pin #27 of Processor) Vol. H.
Pinpoint Test Test DD, Page 22-29

3. Check/Repair connector pins (poor Shop Manual crimping) in EVP/Harness Connectors Volume H
Wiggle Test Page 19-10

4. Check/Reset spark plug gap to .054" TSB 85-3-7 (TSB 85-1, Page 33) Page 28

5. Check spark plugs for oil ash deposits TSB 84-16-16
(driver's side) (TSB 85-4, Page 51)
Page 24

6. Check EVP sensor build date TSB 84-21-14-S (TSB 84-26, Page 14) Page 26

7. Check for restricted catalyst TSB 84-16-20 Page 24
Spark Knock on 1. Check/Reset ignition timing to Shop Manual 1984/85 All
Acceleration - decal specification Volume H,
Section 15
Page 15-1
Warm Engine

2. Check for low coolant level Shop Manual Volume H Section 15 Page 15-1

3. Check spark plugs for oil ash deposits TSB 84-16-16-S
(driver's side) Page 24

Spark Knock on 4. Check for soft/mushy distributor stator TSB 85-9-31
Acceleration connector. Page 38
Warm Engine
(Continued) 5. Install service radiator TSB 84-14-9
(1984 LTD/Marquis A.O.D. only) Page 19

6. Check/Repair EGR solenoid TSB 85-7-13 connections Page 37

7. Retard ignition timing 3~ from decal TSB 84-5-14 specification Page 18

Noise (Mechanical 1. Check/Reset ignition timing to decal Shop Manual 1984/85
- Engine Knock) specification Volume H T/Bird, Cougar
Cold Engine Section 15 LTD, Marquis
Page 15-1 All Except
5-16B-R1 Calibration

2. Replace Processor TSB 85-6-9 Page 29

Bucks/Jerks on 1. Check/Replace MAP sensor TSB 85-12-15 1984/85
Deceleration Page 42 T/Bird, Cougar,

(Trailer Hitching) LTD, Marquis

Idle Rough or 1. Check spark plugs for oil ash deposits TSB 84-16-16-S 1984/85
Idle RPM Drop (driver's side) (TSB 85-4, Page 14) All
Page 24
2. Check for oil in distributor TSB 85-9-31 Page 38
3. Check throttle body gasket and for TSB 85-5-23 other vacuum leaks Page 28

4. Check EVP sensor build date TSB 84-21-14-S TSB 84-26, Page 14) Page 26
5. Check/Repair open in #352 circuit Shop Manual
(Pin #27 of processor) Volume H
Pinpoint Test DD Page 22-29

6. Check/Repair connector pins (poor Shop Manual crimping) in EVP/Harness connectors Volume H
Wiggle Test Page 19-10

7. Check/Replace alternator regulator TSB 84-18-18-S (TSB 85-1 Page 33) Page 25
Idle Speed 1. Check EVP sensor build date TSB 84-19-12-S 1984/85 All
Increases (TSB 84-25, Pg. 26)
Momentarily and Page 26
Returns to Normal
2. Check/Repair intermittent open in Shop Manual
#352 circuit (Pin #27 of Processor) Volume H
Pinpoint Test DD Page 22-29 and Wiggle Test Page 19-10

Idle Speeds Fast 1. Check idle speed control motor build None 1984/85
(Cold Start Idle date. Replace if build date is All
RPM range) before 3J25
2. Check/Repair short at splice in 14290 TSB 85-13-4 wire harness Page 43
3. Check/Repair short in engine TSB 85-12-14 compartment wire harness Page 41
4. Check/Repair (clean and grease) TSB 85-13-4 short in self test connector plug Page 43

Idle Speeds Fast 1. Check/Reset throttle stop screw and TSB 84-10-13 1984/85
(750 RPM Range) idle speed control motor Page 18 All

2. Check/Reset cruise control cable if Shop Manual self test code 13 is not present with Volume H
cable disconnected Pinpoint Test KF-19
Page 22-156 and 22-162

3. Check/Repair ground in #119 circuit TSB 84-16-22
(Pin #30 of processor) Page 25

4. Check throttle body gasket and for TSB 85-5-23 other vacuum leaks Page 28
Loss of 1. Check idle speed control motor None 1984/85
Power (inoperative idle tracking switch All
can cause lean drive) build date
Replace if build date is before 3J25
2. Check/Repair open in #295 circuit Shop Manual
#265 circuit (Pin #28 of processor) Volume H
Pinpoint Test KF Page 22-156

3. Check for oil in distributor TSB 85-9-31 Page 38

4. Check for restricted catalyst TSB 84-16-20 Page 24

5. Check/Repair EGR solenoid TSB 85-7-13 connections. Page 37
Hesitation 1. Check/Reset ignition timing to 10~ Shop Manual 1984/85
BTDC. Vehicle must be tested for Volume H T/Bird, Cougar
Engine Cold Knock after ignition Section 15 LTD, Marquis
timing adjustment. Page 15-1

2. Check/Repair low fuel pressure (fuel TSB 85-13-5 pump, fuel pump circuit, fuel lines) Page 45

3. Check spark plugs for oil ash deposits TSB 84-16-16-S
(driver side) (TSB 85-4, Pg. 51)
Page 24

4. Check/Replace processor (use part TSB 85-6-9 number shown in "cold knock" TSB) Page 29

Misfire During 1. Check spark plugs for oil ash deposits TSB 84-16-16-S 1984/85
Steady Speeds (driver side) (TSB 85-4, Pg. 51) All
Pag e24

2. Check/Repair low fuel pressure (fuel TSB 85-13-5 pump, fuel pump circuit, fuel lines) Page 45

3. Check/Repair/Replace throttle Shop Manual position sensor and circuit Volume H
Pinpoint Test DH Page 22-55

4. Check/Replace distributor cap TSB 84-22-3-S (TSB 84-25, Pg. 26) Page 27

No Start 1. Check/Replace throttle position TSB 84-14-17 1984/85
sensor Page 21 All

2. Check/Replace distributor cap TSB 84-22-3-S (TSB 84-25, Pg. 26) Page 27

3. Check/Replace ignition coil TSB 84-14-18-S (TSB 84-23-1, Pg. 7 Page 23

4. Check/Repair fuel pressure (fuel TSB 85-13-5 pump, fuel pump circuit, fuel lines) Page 45

5. Check distributor hall sensor (stator). TSB 85-7-11
If defective, replace with Page 30
E5PZ-12A112-A (Class A) (Diagnostic


6. Check/Replace TFI (distributor) and TSB 85-11-11
MAP connectors Page 39
No Start 7. Check for/Repair short at processor/ TSB 85-7-12
(Continued) harness connector Page 36

8. Check for oil in distributor TSB 85-9-20 Page 38

Stalls 1. Check EVP sensor build date TSB 84-21-14-S 1984/85
(TSB 84-26, Pg. 14) All
Page 26

2. Check/Repair open in #352 circuit Shop Manual
(Pin #27 of processor) Volume H
Pinpoint Test DD Page 22-29

3. Check/Repair connector pins (poor Shop Manual crimping) in EVP/harness connectors) Volume H
Wiggle Test Page 19-10

4. Check spark plugs for oil ash deposits TSB 84-16-16-S
(driver's side) (TSB 85-4, Pg. 51)
Page 24

5. Check/Reset throttle stop screw and TSB 84-10-13 idle speed control motor Page 18

6. Check throttle body gasket and for TSB 85-5-23 other vacuum leaks Page 28

7. Check/Replace ignition coil TSB 85-13-2 Page 9

8. Check/Replace alternator regulator TSB 84-18-18-S (TSB 85-1, Pg. 83 Page 25

Stalls on 1. Engage transmission within 30 TSB 84-15-13 1984/85
transmission seconds after start Page 23 All
engagement - cold engine