G101-On lower RH front of engine
G110-Below rear of RH valve cover
G120-Attached to RH fender apron
G130-Attached to RH rear of engine
G140-Behind LH corner of package tray
G300-Inside rear doors behind arm rest
G303-Behind LH corner of package tray
G402-Behind LH center of I/P
G403-Behind LH center of I/P, on ground bus
G405-In trunk, above LH wheel well
G406-Forward right of carburetor
G501-Behind LH side of I/P
G502-Behind LH center of I/P, on ground bus
G503-Upper RH side of cowl
G504-Rear RH side of cowl
G505-Upper RH side of cowl
G506-Behind LH center of I/P on ground bus
G801-Attached to front of LH fender apron
G802-Attached to front of RH fender apron
G902-Forward & below LH rear lamps
G1001-Attached to LH floor pan at driver's seat
G1301-Forward of LH rear lamps
G1303-Inside door, near control switch
G1501-Top center of tailgate pillar
G1703-Behind LH center of I/P, on ground bus
G1901-Behind LH center of I/P near radio