Connector Locations
C100-Next to ignition coil
C200-Connected to headlamp switch
C201-Connected to headlamp switch
C202-Connected to headlamp switch
C203-Below LH shake brace
C206-Connected to headlamp switch
C219-LH fender apron
C219A-LH fender apron
C220-Lower LH side of engine
C230-LH fender apron
C232-LH fender apron
C235-Forward of distributor
C300-Connected to fuse panel
C301-Connected to fuse panel
C302-Connected to fuse panel
C303-Connected to fuse panel
C304-On LH shake brace or on junction block
C305-On junction block
C308-Lower RH cowl access hole
C319-Near top of transmission dip stick tube
C319A-Above transmission assembly
C320-Behind LH side of I/P
C321-Attached to lower LH corner of glass
C322-On lower LH front corner of rear window
C323-Inside LH corner of tailgate
C325-Forward of LH rear lamps
C350-Under RH corner of package tray
C351-I/P harness near headlamp switch
C352-Near base of seatbelt switch
C353-LH rear of car at "C" pillar
C354-LH rear of car at "D" pillar
C355-Top of RH "A" pillar
C356-Top of LH "A" pillar
C400-Connected to I/P cluster
C426-Lower RH cowl access hole
C450-Lower LH rear of engine compartment
C452-LH cowl area
C455-LH fender apron
C456-LH shroud
C501-Connected to wiper switch
C503-Under driver's seat
C504-Under passenger's seat
C511-Connected to wiper motor & switch
C512-Connected to wiper motor & switch
C530-LH fender apron
C550-Behind parking brake
C551-Behind I/P above glove box
C605-Connected to multifunction switch
C606-Connected to multifunction switch
C613-RH shroud near grommet
C650-LH fender apron
C651-Near starter relay
C702-Behind functional control
C703-Behind I/P above heater control
C711-Attached to RH side of radio support
C803-LH fender at front of wheel well
C845-LH fender at front of wheel well
C902-Near LH trunk hinge
C903-RH cowl at lower access hole
C904-At RH side of dash panel below blower motor
C951-LH rear of fender apron
C952-Upper RH cowl area
C954-At front of carburetor
C955-LH side of dash panel
C958-RH cowl area
C1003-Under driver's seat
C1015-Inside upper RH cowl access hole
C1020-Shrouds near lower access hole
C1101-Behind LH side of I/P above radio
C1101A-Center of I/P at rear of radio
C1102-LH center of I/P near steering column
C1104-Center of I/P above premium sound switch
C1105-Center of I/P above premium sound switch
C1106-RH cowl area
C1107-LH cowl area above parking brake
C1108-RH cowl at lower access hole
C1112-Center of I/P at rear of radio
C1118-RH cowl area
C1119-At premium sound amplifier
C1120-At premium sound amplifier
C1203-above speed control amplifier
C1204-Behind I/P above steering column support
C1225-RH center cowl, above plenum
C1301-Near rear lamps
C1302-Lower LH cowl access hole
C1303-Inside LH front door near power door lock control
C1308-Lower LH "B" pillar access hole
C1307-LH rear of car at "D" pillar
C1407-LH cowl between upper & lower access holes
C1408-RH cowl at lower access hole
C1410-RH front door behind arm rest
C1411-LH front door, behind arm rest
C1416-LH fender apron
C1424-LH fender apron
C1425-Behind washer fluid reservoir
C1427-Connected to dual warning buzzer
C1429-Behind I/P, above steering column
C1430-Behind LH side of I/P, near grommets
C1431-Behind lower LH side of I/P
C1433-Below voltage regulator
C1434-Forward right of carburetor
C1435-Behind MCU
C1442-Behind I/P near steering column
C1480-Top of LH wheel well
C1486-Top RH side of engine
C1488-RH rear of engine
C1517-Top of RH "A" pillar
C1525-Top of LH "B" pillar
C1709-On shroud at lower access hole
C1710-In rear center of front door
C1711-At door latch assembly
C1847-Below distributor
C1903-LH side of I/P at shake brace
C1905-LH rear of car at "D" pillar
C1911-Inside tailgate at window motor
C1913-LH rear of car at "C" pillar
C1980-Top of RH wheel well
C1981-Top of LH fender apron
C2001-In trunk, forward of center of bumper
C2005-LH "B" pillar above lower access hole
C2006-RH "B" pillar above lower access hole
C2011-In front doors above window motor
C2012-In rear doors
C2050-Inside lower LH cowl access hole
C2051-Inside lower LH cowl access hole
C2053-Inside lower RH cowl access hole
C2054-Behind LH side of I/P near junction block
C2501-Behind heater control
C2506-Cowl LH of blower motor
C2510-RH rear of engine compartment
C2511-Behind center of I/P, at heater control
C2517-RH side of dash panel
C2910-Behind I/P above glove box
C2911-Lower RH cowl access hole
C2912-Below RH corner of package tray
C3007-LH shake brace, near steering column
C3104-Behind I/P, near steering column