Connector Locations
C100-At transmission
C101-LH cowl below wiper motor
C102-Next to starter assembly
C103-On RH side of dash panel
C106-Above ignition module
C108-RH fender apron
C112-Near distributor
C113-Near ignition module
C115-At battery ground pigtail
C127-LH side of liftgate header
C132-LH front fender
C139-Ahead of LH front shock tower
C140-Behind I/P below radio
C140A-Behind I/P below radio
C151-Near LH side of engine
C154-Floor pan rear of driver's door
C158-At autolamp relay
C164-LH side of I/P
C165-Inside LH rear door
C166-LH cowl near lower access hole
C167-Base of LH "B" pillar
C174-RH side of dash panel behind I/P
C175-RH side of dash panel behind I/P
C178-Near TFI module
C179-LH side of trunk
C201-Behind LH headlamp
C202-Behind RH headlamp
C203-RH side of steering column
C204-LH side of steering column
C205-Behind I/P left of steering column
C206-Behind center of I/P
C208-Near LH steering column support
C209-Behind I/P left of steering column
C210-At lamp out warning module
C211-At lamp out warning module
C212-Behind RH side of I/P
C214-Behind center of I/P
C214A-Behind center of I/P
C215-Behind center of I/P
C215A-Behind I/P near radio
C219-LH cowl at lower access hole
C220-Top of RH "A" pillar
C227-Behind LH side of I/P
C230-Next to interval governor
C231-RH cowl near lower access hole
C232-RH cowl at lower access hole
C233-RH cowl at lower access hole
C235-Behind I/P RH side of radio
C236-RH side of I/P connected to speaker
C237-LH side of I/P connected to speaker
C250-Behind I/P at main light switch
C251-Behind control head
C257-At fuse panel
C259-LH side of dash panel
C262-LH cowl in cover access hole
C264-Behind instrument cluster
C265-Behind I/P near radio
C265A-Behind I/P near radio
C266-RH cowl near lower access hole
C268-LH cowl near lower access hole
C269-Behind I/P at cluster
C271-At main light switch
C272-Behind I/P near light switch
C273-Behind I/P near radio
C273A-Behind I/P near radio
C274-Center of I/P
C277-Top of I/P below amplifier
C278-Top of I/P below amplifier
C279-Behind I/P left of radio
C280-Behind I/P left of radio
C283-RH cowl
C286-RH cowl near lower access hole
C295-Behind LH headlamp
C301-Under driver's seat
C302-At RH trunk hinge
C303-Sedan-At LH window support brace
Wagon-Center of liftgate pillar
C304-LH cowl at lower access hole
C306-Inside LH "B" pillar
C307-Inside RH "B" pillar
C308-LH side of trunk
C311-Connected to driver's window control
C312-Connected to driver's window control
C313-LH cowl at lower access hole
C314-At RH "B" pillar access hole
C315-At LH "B" pillar access hole
C316-Inside LH front door
C317-Inside RH rear door
C318-Under driver's seat
C328-LH cowl at lower access hole
C329-RH cowl at lower access hole
C333-In front of liftgate wiper motor
C334-Center of liftgate header
C335-Behind I/P lift of steering column
C339-Tailgate left of license plate
C340-RH cowl near lower access hole
C341-Base of RH "B" pillar
C345-Near trunk lock
C401-In engine compartment near RH dash
C402-At fuel charging assembly
C403-RH side of dash panel
C405-Behind LH headlight
C407-In LH "B" pillar
C408-Inside RH front door
C414-RH cowl
C415-RH cowl
C416-Near driver's arm rest
C417-In RH front door above speaker cutout
C417-In LH front door above speaker cutout
C482-Near wiper switch
C888-LH fender behind headlamp
C900-Near LH side of engine
C988-At fuel tank
C999-RH side of engine compartment
C1980-At LH fender near dash panel
C1981-At LH fender near dash panel