Input Shaft & Valve Assembly
Fig. 5 Removing pinion bearing locknut:
Fig. 6 Removing input shaft & control valve assembly from housing:
1. Thoroughly clean steering gear housing, then mount gear in holding fixture T57L-500-B or equivalent.
2. Do not remove the external pressure lines unless damaged or leaking. Loosen yoke plug locknut and yoke plug to relieve preload on rack.
3. Remove pinion bearing plug, then use tool No. T74P-3504-R, or equivalent, (T86P-3504-K Sable & Taurus) to hold input shaft in position and remove pinion bearing locknut with a {11-16} in. socket, Fig. 5. Discard pinion bearing locknut and use a new nut at assembly.
4. Using a suitable tool, pry input shaft dust seal out of valve housing. Use care not to damage valve housing.
5. Remove snap ring from valve housing.
6. Attach puller T78P-3504-B, or equivalent, to input shaft and remove input shaft seal and bearing and valve body, Fig. 6.. On Sable & Taurus, attach valve body puller (bridge) T86P-3504-B and valve body puller (screw) T78P-3504-B and remove input shaft seal, input shaft and and valve body.
7. Use tool No. T78P-3504-E, or equivalent, and a suitable slide hammer to remove lower pinion shaft seal.
8. Remove pinion bearing from gear housing using tool No. T58L-101-A, or equivalent, and a suitable slide hammer.
9. If necessary, remove O-rings from input shaft and valve assembly. Remove O-rings by pushing rings to one side and inserting a small pointed knife to cut ring off.
1. Support valve housing with a wooden block, then using tool No. T78P-3504-G, or equivalent, install pinion bearing in gear bore. Seat bearing against shoulder in bore.
2. Apply grease to pinion oil seal, then position seal on tool No. T78P-3504-F, or equivalent, (T86P-3504-G on Sable & Taurus) with seal lip facing towards tool. Install seal in valve bore, seating seal against shoulder.
3. Position pinion end of valve assembly in a soft jawed vise.
4. Install mandrel T75L-3517-A1, or equivalent, over sleeve, then slide one valve sleeve ring over mandrel.
5. Slide tool No. T75L-3517-A2, or equivalent, over mandrel, then rapidly push down on tool to force ring down into fourth groove of valve sleeve. Add one spacer of tool No. T75L-3517-A3, or equivalent, under mandrel, to align mandrel with the next groove on the valve sleeve. Repeat procedure until all sleeve rings have been installed.
6. Apply a light coat of power steering fluid to sleeve and sleeve rings.
7. Install one spacer over input shaft, then slowly install tool No. T75L-3517-A4, or equivalent, over sleeve valve end of input shaft onto valve sleeve rings.
8. Remove tool No. T75L-3517-A4, or equivalent, and check condition of sleeve rings. Ensure that rings turn freely in grooves.
9. If rack is removed, position rack so that mark made during disassembly is centered in valve bore. If rack was not removed, position rack in housing so that three teeth protrude from lefthand end of housing.
10. Align blocked tooth of input shaft with center of yoke plug hole and insert valve assembly into bore. The blocked tooth must face straight up when gear is installed in vehicle with gear in straight ahead position. Rotate input shaft assembly from side to side if necessary to mesh with rack teeth. Push valve assembly in by hand until fully seated.
11. Using tool No. T74P-3504-R, or equivalent, (T86P-3504-K Sable & Taurus), to turn input shaft, count number of turns from center to each stop which should be approximately 1{1-2} turns. If number of turns is unequal, pull valve assembly out of housing far enough to free pinion teeth. Rotate input shaft 60 degrees, one tooth, in direction which required less fewer turns from center to stop. Reinstall valve assembly and check if gear is centered.
12. While holding input shaft with tool No. T74P-3504-R, or equivalent, install a new pinion bearing locknut on pinion end of valve assembly. Torque pinion bearing locknut to 20 to 35 ft. lbs. The rack must be away from stops when installing locknut.
13. Lubricate input shaft bearing, then install bearing into valve bore and seat with tool No. T78P-3504-D, or equivalent.
14. Lubricate input shaft seal, then install seal with seal lip facing valve assembly.
15. Install snap ring into valve bore.
16. Coat input shaft in area of dust seal with Lubriplate or equivalent, then install dust seal and seat seal with tool No. T78P-3504-D, or equivalent.
17. Install steering gear housing cap.
18. Fill yoke housing with 2 ounces of lubricant, then install yoke. The yoke must seat against the rack with finger pressure, if not check for burrs in yoke housing.
19. Install yoke spring and yoke plug. Adjust yoke bearing preload as described under Adjustments.
20. Install yoke plug locknut and torque to 40 to 50 ft. lbs.
21. If the external pressure lines were removed in step two, they must be replaced with new pressure lines. Remove the copper seals from the pressure ports previous to installation of new lines. Torque pump to gear pressure line fitting and return line fitting to 10 to 15 ft. lbs. Torque pressure line fittings at valve and power cylinder to 15 to 20 ft. lbs.