Cruise Control: Adjustments
Tempo & Topaz
1. With ignition ``Off,'' adjust carburetor so throttle plate is closed and choke linkage is completely off cam.
2. Remove beaded chain locking pin, then pull bead chain through adjuster.
3. Insert locking pin into hole which allows greatest tension on bead chain, without opening throttle plate.
Vacuum Dump Valve Adjustment
1. Firmly depress brake pedal and hold in position.
2. Pull inward on dump valve until collar contacts retaining clip.
3. Position a .050 to .100 inch shim between pedal and dump valve button.
4. Pull brake pedal rearward to its normal position and allow dump valve to ratchet into retaining clip.
Clutch Switch Adjustment
This adjustment should be performed on models with manual transmission, when speed control will not engage.
1. Position and support clutch pedal in the full upward position against pedal stop.
2. Loosen switch attaching screw and slide switch forward toward clutch pedal, until clearance between switch plunger cap and switch housing is .030 inch, then tighten attaching screw.
3. Remove support holding clutch pedal in the full upward position and check speed control for proper operation. Ensure that speed control disengages when clutch pedal is depressed.