Timing Belt: Service and Repair
Fig. 9 Aligning Camshaft To Cylinder Head Timing Marks:
1. Disconnect battery ground cable, then remove accessory drive belts.
2. Remove timing cover. Align timing mark on camshaft sprocket with timing mark on cylinder head. Fig. 7
3. Install timing belt cover, then ensure timing mark on crankshaft pulley aligns with TDC mark on front cover.
4. Remove timing belt cover.
5. Loosen both timing tensioner attaching bolts using torque wrench adapter T81P-6254-A or equivalent.
6. Pry tensioner away from belt as far as possible, then tighten one attaching bolt.
7. Remove crankshaft pulley, then the timing belt. Discard timing belt if damaged.
8. Install timing belt over sprockets in a counterclockwise direction starting at crankshaft. Ensure belt span between crankshaft and camshaft is kept tight as belt is installed over remaining sprocket.
9. Loosen belt tensioner attaching bolt and allow to locate against belt.
10. Tighten one tensioner attaching bolt using previously mentioned tool, then install crankshaft pulley, drive plate and pulley attaching bolt.
11. Retain crankshaft pulley using tool No. YA-826, then torque pulley nut to 74-90 ft. lbs.
12. To seat timing belt on sprocket teeth, proceed as follows:
a. Connect battery ground cable, then crank engine for approximately 30 seconds.
b. Disconnect battery ground cable, then rotate crankshaft as necessary to align timing pointer on cam sprocket with timing mark on cylinder head.
c. Position timing belt cover on engine, then ensure timing mark on crankshaft aligns with TDC pointer on cover.
d. If timing marks do not align, remove belt, align timing marks and repeat steps 8---12.
13. Loosen tensioner attaching bolt, then secure crankshaft and ensure it will not rotate.
14. Using tool No. D81P-6256-A or equivalent and a suitable torque wrench, turn camshaft sprocket counterclockwise. Torque belt tensioner pivot bolt, Torque to 27--32 ft. lbs. for new belt and Torque adjusting bolt to 14--21 ft. lbs. Ensure engine is cold when applying torque to camshaft sprocket. Do not set torque on hot engine.
15. Install timing belt cover, accessory drive belts, then connect battery ground cable.
Due to breakage and wear of timing belt cover mounting pads, it is recommended to shim cover with flat washers because of a close fit between the cover and the water pump pulley. Failure to shim the cover may result in interference with the water pump pulley and/or the cam shaft pulley.