EEC POWER RELAY - Relay energized anytime ignition switch is turned to start or run position. This relay supplies the Electronic Engine Control (EEC) system with operating voltage.EGO SIGNAL RETURN (EGOR) - EGO signal return with separate ground on engine block.
EGR ACT - EGR solenoid pressure valve assembly.
EGR CONTROL SOLENOID (EGRC) - Electrical solenoid or its control line. Solenoid switches engine manifold vacuum to operate EGR valve when solenoid is energized.
EGR Cooler Assembly:
EGR COOLER ASSEMBLY - Heat exchanger using engine coolant to reduce exhaust gas temperature.
EGR VALVE - Valve used to introduce exhaust gases into the intake air stream. There are several in use on Ford vehicles today. The four basic types are:
Integral Backpressure Transducer EGR Valve:
(1) Integral Backpressure Transducer EGR Valve (B/P) - This EGR valve combines inputs of exhaust backpressure and EGR port vacuum into one unit. This valve requires both inputs to operate on vacuum alone. The backpressure valve has two types, poppet and tapered pintle.
Ported EGR Valve:
(2) Ported EGR Valve - Operated by a vacuum signal from the carburetor EGR port. The port signal actuates the valve diaphragm. As vacuum increases, spring pressure is overcome, opening the valve and allowing EGR flow. The amount of flow is dependent upon the position of the tapered pintle or poppet whose position reflects the strength of the vacuum signal.
Electronic EGR Valve:
(3) Electronic EGR Valve - EGR valve used in EEC systems where EGR flow is controlled by the ECA, by means of a EGR valve position (EVP) solenoid attached to the valve. Operating vacuum is supplied by EGR solenoid valve(s).
Valve and Transducer Assembly:
(4) Valve and Transducer Assembly - This component consists of a modified ported EGR valve and a remote transducer. This assembly operates the same as the Integral Backpressure Transducer EGR valve and is used on some 2.0L and 2.3L gasoline engines.
EGR Valve Position Sensor:
EGR VALVE POSITION SENSOR (EVP) - Potentiometric Sensor or its signal line used in electronically controlled EGR systems. Sensor wiper position is proportional to EGR Valve pintle position. This allows the electronic control assembly (ECA) to determine actual EGR flow at any point in time.
EGR VENT SOLENOID (EGRV) - Electrical solenoid or its control line. Solenoid normally vents EGRC vacuum line. When EGRV is energized, EGRC can open EGR valve.
EGR Venturi Vacuum Amplifier:
EGR VENTURI VACUUM AMPLIFIER - Device which uses relatively weak venturi vacuum to control a manifold vacuum signal to operate the EGR valve. Contains a check valve and relief valve which open whenever venturi vacuum signal is equal to or greater than manifold vacuum.
ELECTRONIC CONTROL ASSEMBLY (ECA) - A vehicle computer consisting of a calibration assembly containing the computer memory and thus its control program and processor assembly, which is the computer hardware. The calibration assembly plugs into the processor. The processor plugs into the vehicle harness. The ECA receives data from a number of sensors and other electronic components. Based on input data information programmed into the ECA's memory, the ECA generates output signals to control various engine functions.
ELECTRONIC DISTRIBUTOR MODULATOR (EDM) - A distributor modulator which is electronically controlled and provides input to an ECA.
Electronic Engine Control:
ELECTRONIC ENGINE CONTROL (EEC) - A computer directed system of engine control. EECI - control of engine timing. EEC-II - control of engine timing and fuel (with FBC system). EECIII - FBC descendent of EEC-II. EEC-III - CFI control of engine timing and fuel (with EFI system). EEC-IV is a descendent of the EEC-III with an FBC CFI and EFT control system.
ELECTRONIC SPARK CONTROL SYSTEM (ESC) - An electronic distributor vacuum control system aiding in more complete combustion through controlled spark retard under certain temperature and speed conditions.
Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor:
ENGINE COOLANT TEMPERATURE SENSOR (ECT) - Refers to thermistor sensor or its signal line. Sensor is immersed in engine coolant. Provides engine coolant temperature information to ECU which is used to alter spark advance and EGR flow during warm-up or overheat conditions. (Replaces cooling and EGR PVS.)
ENGINE RUNNING TEST - A section of the EEC-IV Self-Test that tests the inputs and controlled functions under actual operating conditions. The actuators are exercised and checked for corresponding results.
EVAPORATIVE EMISSION CONTROLS (EEC) - Emission control system responsible for preventing fuel vapors from entering the atmosphere, primarily from the fuel tank and carburetor.
Fuel Evaporative System:
EVAPORATIVE EMISSION SHED SYSTEM (EESS) - A system for containment of fuel vapors (evaporative emissions) introduced in 1978. Annual improvements have modified this system.
EXHAUST GAS CHECK VALVE (EGC) - Allows thermactor air to enter exhaust manifold but prevents reverse flow in the event of improper operation of other components.
Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor:
EXHAUST GAS OXYGEN SENSOR (EGO) - Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor or its signal line. Sensor changes its output voltage as exhaust gas oxygen content changes when compared to oxygen content of atmosphere. Constantly changing voltage signal is sent to the processor for analysis and adjustment to the air/fuel ratio.
EXHAUST GAS OXYGEN SIGNAL RETURN (EGOR) - EGO signal return line with a ground on the engine block.
EXHAUST GAS RECIRCULATION (EGR) - A procedure where a small amount of exhaust gas is readmitted to the combustion chamber to reduce peak combustion temperatures and thus reduce NO emissions.
EXHAUST HEAT CONTROL VALVE (HCV) - A valve which routes hot exhaust gases to the intake manifold heat riser during cold engine operation. The valve can be thermostatically controlled, or vacuum operated. In EEC-IV this valve is controlled by the signal from the ECA.
EXHAUST VALVE POSITION SENSOR (EVP) - Potentiometric sensor or its signal line. Sensor wiper position is proportional to EGR valve pintle position. This allows ECA to determine EGR flow at any point in time.