System Operation
The Integrated Vehicle Speed Control (IVSC) contains a self-test capability. Key On, Engine Off (KOER) routine output error codes, in a manner similar to EEC-IV subsystem ``Quick Tests'', which then refer to Pinpoint Tests for specific components diagnosis. The self-test capability applies only to the Taurus & Sable IVSC. The Rotunda No. 007-00013 Speed Control Automatic System Tester cannot be used for IVSC diagnosis. The Rotunda Self-Test Automatic Readout (STAR) No. 007-00004 with cable assembly No.007-00010; or equivalent, or analog volt-ohmmeter (VOM), 0-20 VDC (alternate to STAR) is required to perform the IVSC Quick Test and display error codes. A Rotunda Breakout Box T83L-5D EEC-IV or equivalent can also be used for convenience during Pinpoint Testing. Testing for the IVSC is divided into two formats: the Quick Test and the Pinpoint Tests. The Quick Test is a functional IVSC system test. The Pinpoint Tests are specific component tests. The Quick Test checks all IVSC components except the speed sensor, which must be checked separately. To test and service the IVSC system, perform the quick test first. If the system passes, check the speed sensor. If failure codes are generated, do only the Pinpoint Test specified by that particular failure code. After all test and services have been completed, repeat the entire Quick Test to verify that the IVSC system operates properly.