Engine: Service and Repair
1. Disconnect battery ground cable.
2. Mark hood hinge location, disconnect ground strap near right hinge and remove hood.
3. Using vacuum pump D80P-250-A or equivalent, release pressure from EFI fuel system at fuel pressure regulator valve.
4. Remove cap from cooling system expansion tank and drain coolant.
5. Disconnect radiator upper hose from radiator, then on vehicles equipped with manual transmission, disconnect radiator air vent hose from radiator.
6. Remove radiator upper attaching bolts and disconnect cooling fan electrical connector.
7. Disconnect oil level sensor electrical connector and remove oil dipstick. Electrical connector on dipstick only applies models built prior to March 9, 1987.
8. Disconnect vacuum hose at EGR valve.
9. Disconnect fuel injector electrical connector located between upper intake manifold and oil dipstick.
10. Carefully disconnect electrical connectors at EEC-IV engine coolant temperature sensor, engine knock sensor, oil pressure sending unit, cooling fan temperature switch, throttle air bypass valve and the throttle position sensor. When disconnecting EEC-IV system related component electrical connectors, ensure that vehicle battery ground cable is disconnected to avoid serious EEC-IV system and related component damage.
11. Disconnect fuel line at pulse damper.
12. Using tool T82L-9500-AH or equivalent, disconnect fuel return line.
13. Disconnect throttle cable and, if equipped, the transmission kickdown cable.
14. Remove accelerator cable bracket attaching screws and the bracket from the upper intake manifold, then position bracket and accelerator cable, and transmission kickdown cable if equipped, out of way.
15. Disconnect supply hose at vacuum tree located on dash panel.
16. Disconnect electrical connector at distributor TFI module.
17. Remove alternator from mounting bracket and secure out of way.
18. Remove power steering pump from mounting bracket and secure out of way.
19. Remove turbocharger air inlet tube and disconnect orange ground wire at turbocharger air inlet elbow.
20. Disconnect electrical connector at exhaust gas oxygen sensor and the vacuum hose at the turbocharger air inlet elbow.
21. Remove A/C compressor from its mounting bracket and secure out of way.
22. On vehicles equipped with automatic transmission, remove transmission dipstick tube attaching nut at turbocharger outlet flange.
23. On all vehicles, disconnect coolant supply and return hoses at heater control valve.
24. On vehicles equipped with automatic transmission, disconnect transmission oil cooling lines at radiator.
25. On all vehicles, raise and support vehicle.
26. On vehicles equipped with manual transmission, disconnect radiator refill tube at refill hose.
27. On all vehicles, disconnect radiator lower hose at radiator, then remove bolts attaching radiator to side rail and remove radiator through bottom of vehicle.
28. Remove bolt attaching chassis ground wire to A/C compressor bracket, then remove starter.
29. Remove nuts attaching catalytic converter inlet pipe to turbocharger.
30. Remove catalytic converter to converter inlet pipe flange attaching bolts and the catalytic converter support bracket bolt.
31. Remove inlet pipe.
32. On vehicles equipped with manual transmission, remove bolt attaching engine rear cover to flywheel housing.
33. On vehicles equipped with automatic transmission, remove torque converter to drive plate attaching nuts through starter opening. To bring bolts into position, turn crankshaft with ratchet handle and socket applied to crankshaft pulley attaching bolt. Always turn crankshaft clockwise. Counterclockwise rotation may cause timing belt to jump time.
34. On all vehicles, remove stud nuts attaching engine mounts to cross member.
35. Remove converter/flywheel housing attaching bolts. If removal of bolts at top of housing is prevented by contact with body, leave them loose and in position. If necessary, to gain access to housing to engine bolts, support transmission with suitable jack and remove nuts securing transmission mount to underbody. Remove nuts securing driveshaft center bearing support to underbody. Lower transmission and remove converter/flywheel housing to engine bolts, then raise transmission and secure transmission mount to underbody.
36. Lower vehicle.
37. Install suitable engine lifting device on engine lifting attachments.
38. Support transmission with suitable jack and raise engine until front support lower studs clear crossmember.
39. Remove bolts attaching front support brackets to engine and remove mounts and brackets as assemblies.
40. Pull engine forward to separate it from transmission, then carefully raise engine out of engine compartment.
Reverse procedure to install, noting the following:
1. Torque clutch housing to engine bolts to 53-68 ft. lbs.
2. Torque converter housing to engine bolts to 22-27 ft. lbs.
3. Torque converter to drive plate nuts to 26-28 ft. lbs.
4. Torque mount to underbody nuts to 15-20 ft. lbs.
5. Torque driveshaft center bearing support nuts to 55-60 ft. lbs.
6. Torque engine mount to front crossmember nuts to 38-47 ft. lbs.
7. After positioning inlet pipe and bracket onto converter and turbocharger, start converter to inlet pipe bolts, springs and nuts; the turbocharger to inlet pipe nuts and the converter support to transmission mount bolt.
8. Torque catalytic converter to converter inlet pipe bolts to 26-30 ft. lbs., the turbocharger to inlet pipe nuts to 26-30 ft. lbs. and the converter support to transmission mount bolt to 37-42 ft. lbs.
9. Torque starter attaching bolts to 5-8 ft. lbs. and the radiator lower attaching bolts to 5-8 ft. lbs.
10. Torque upper radiator attaching bolts to 15-18 ft. lbs.