Cylinder Head Assembly: Service and Repair
1. Disconnect battery ground cable.2. Drain engine cooling system into suitable container.
3. Remove air cleaner outlet tube.
4. Remove intake manifold from engine.
5. Remove accessory drive belt. If right side head is being removed, remove accessory belt idler. If left side head is being removed, remove alternator adjusting arm.
6. Remove power steering pump bracket attaching bolts, then the pump and bracket as an assembly with hoses attached. Position pump and bracket assembly aside in an upright position to prevent leakage of fluid.
7. If left side head is being removed, remove coil bracket and dipstick tube. If right side head is being removed, remove ground strap and throttle cable support bracket.
8. Remove exhaust manifold(s), then the PCV valve and valve cover(s).
9. Remove rocker arm fulcrum bolts enough to allow the rocker arms to be swung aside and the pushrods removed. Keep pushrods in order of removal.
10. Remove cylinder head attaching bolts, then the cylinder head(s) and gasket(s). Discard gaskets(s).
Fig. 8 Cylinder Head Bolt Tightening Sequence:
11. Reverse procedure to install, noting the following:
a. Lightly oil bolt threads prior to installation.
b. Tighten cylinder head bolts in sequence to 65-75 Nm (48-54 ft lb), then to 85-110 Nm (63-80 ft lb).
c. If gasket alignment dowels are damaged, they should be replaced.
d. Prior to installation, dip each pushrod end in oil conditioner D9AZ-19579-C or other suitable heavy engine oil.
e. Lubricate rocker arm assemblies with oil conditioner D9AZ-19579-C or other suitable heavy engine oil.