1989 Mustang
36-86-3 Window, Rear-Defroster 36-86-3
TESTING (Continued)
1. Ground pin G and connect a jumper wire between pins B and 1. Connect a 12-volt test lamp between pin L and ground.
2. Supply power to pin B. The test lamp should not light.
3. Momentarily connect pin S to B. The test lamp should come on.
4. The test lamp should go off under the following conditions:
a. Terminal S is momentarily connected to pin B.
b. Jumper wire between pins B and I is removed.
c. Approximately 10 minutes have elapsed from the time the switch was turned on.
Grid Wire Test
1. Using a strong lamp inside the vehicle, visually inspect the wire grid from the outside. A broken grid wire will appear as a brown spot.
2. Run the engine at idle. Set the control switch to ON. The indicator lamp should come on.
3. Working inside the vehicle with a 12-volt DC voltmeter such as Rotunda Digital Volt Ohm Meter 007-00001 or equivalent, contact the broad red-brown strips on the rear window positive lead to battery side and negative lead to ground side. The meter should read 10-13 volts. A lower voltage reading indicates a loose ground wire (pigtail) connection at the ground attaching screw.
4. Contact a good ground point with the negative lead of the meter. The voltage reading should not change.
5. With the negative lead of the meter grounded, touch each grid line of the heated rear window at its midpoint with the positive lead. A reading of approximately 6-volts indicates that the line is good. A reading of 0-volts indicates that the line is broken between the midpoint and the B+ side of the grid line. A reading of 12-volts indicates that the circuit is broken between the midpoint of the grid line and ground.
Control Assembly
1. Disengage the two locking tabs on the RH side of control by pushing the tabs in with a small screwdriver and pulling on the RH side of the control.
2. Using a screwdriver, pry the LH side of the control out of the instrument panel.
3. Pull the control completely out of the opening and disconnect the two connectors.
4. To install, install the two connectors to the control and insert control into opening in instrument panel until the locking tabs on both sides of the control snap in place.
1. Remove relay/timer assembly from under LH side of instrument panel, by rotating the ' assembly 90 degrees.
2. Disconnect electrical connector and remove assembly.
3. To install, reverse Steps 1 and 2.
Disconnect wire leads at each end of the glass. Remove window. Refer to Section 43-11.
1989 Mustang
36-86-4 Window, Rear-Defroster 36-86-4
Grid Wire Repair
NOTE: A single break or any breaks that total more an 25 mm (1 inch) in one grid cannot be repaired. The window must be replaced. For breaks less than 25 mm (1 inch) tong, use the following procedure:
NOTE: If the first layer of the heated rear window grid (brown color) is damaged or missing, it will be necessary to apply brown Acrylic Lacquer Touch-Up Paint AL81-5477-B (ESR-M2P100-B) or equivalent on the glass prior to applying the silver Rear Window Defroster Repair D8AZ-19562-AA (ESB-M4J58-A) or equivalent. Inoperative grid wires on heated rear windows should be repaired by using Rear Window Defroster Repair D8AZ-19562-AA (ESB-M4J58-A) or equivalent.
Surface Preparation
1. The vehicle should be brought inside and permitted to come to room temperature of 16~C (60~F) or above.
2. Clean the entire grid line service area with Ultra Clear Spray Glass Cleaner D4AZ-19C507-AA (ESR-M14P5-A) or equivalent to remove all dirt, wax, grease, oil or other foreign matter. It is important that the repair area be clean and dry.
CAUTION: Do not use scrapers, sharp instruments, or abrasive cleaners on the interior surface of the rear window, as this may cause damage to the grid lines.
Mixing The bottle of Rear Window Defroster Repair D8AZ- 19562-AA (ESB-M4J58-A) or equivalent and touchup paint (if needed) must be at room temperature. Shake bottle for at least one minute for thorough mixing. Shake frequently during use.
1. Mark location of break on the outside of the window.
2. Using cellulose tape, mask off the area directly above and below grid break. The break area should be at the center of mask, and tape gap must be no wider than the existing grid line.
3. Apply the repair coating in several smooth continuous strokes (allowing three to five minutes drying time between coats) across the break area using the brush applicator in the cap. Extend the service coating at least 6.35 mm (1/4 inch) on both sides of the break area. If both brown and silver layers of the grid are broken or missing, apply a coating of the brown touch-up paint across the break area first. Two coats may be necessary to obtain the proper color. Allow the touch-up paint to dry, then apply three coats of silver grid repair compound allowing three to five minutes drying time between coats. The coating of the silver grid repair compound should extend at least 6.35 mm (1/4 inch) on both sides of the break area.
4. Allow to dry for five minutes, then remove the mask.
5. After removing the mask, check the outside appearance of the grid repair. If the silver repair compound is visible above or below the grid, this excess should be removed. This can be done by placing a single-edge razor blade on the glass parallel to grid and scrape gently towards grid.
CAUTION: Be careful not to damage grid line with the razor blade.
Curing The service coating will air dry in approximately one minute and can be energized within three minutes. Optimum hardness and adhesion occurs after approximately 24 hours. At that time, the serviced area may be cleaned with a mild window cleaner.
Lead Wire Terminal Repair
1. Allow the rear window to warm up to room temperature for one half hour to an hour.
2. Clean the bus bar in the area to be repaired using fine steel wool (3/0 to 4/0 grade).
3. Restore the area where the bus bar terminal was originally attached by applying three coats of Rear Window Defroster Repair D8AZ-19562- AA (ESB-M4J58-A) or equivalent. Allow approximately 10 minutes drying time between coats.
4. Working as quickly as possible to avoid overheating the glass, tin the bus bar with solder in the area where the terminal will be reattached.
5. Using Rotunda Heat Gun 107-00300 or equivalent, preheat the glass in the solder area to 67~-83~C (120~-150~F) just prior to soldering the terminal on.