REMOVAL1. Remove coil springs, driveshaft and muffler and silencer assembly.
2. Remove nylon lockpin, if equipped, then loosen parking brake adjuster sleeve locknut, then thread adjuster sleeve away from body routing bracket.
3. Remove clip and clevis pin attaching parking brake cable equalizer to parking brake lever rod.
4. Disengage parking brake cable from body routing brackets.
5. Remove stabilizer bar U-brackets.
6. Position jack under rear axle and secure crossmember to jack.
7. Remove crossmember bushing attaching bolt on both sides of vehicle.
8. Remove crossmember bushing guide plate attaching bolts and the guide plate on both sides of vehicle.
9. Remove bolts attaching axle mount to body, then carefully lower crossmember out of vehicle.
1. Raise crossmember into position on vehicle.
2. Install but do not tighten axle mount attaching bolts.
3. Position crossmember insulator guide plates and install attaching bolts.
4. Install crossmember bushing attaching bolts and washers, torquing guide plate attaching bolts to 30-38 ft. lbs. and the crossmember bushing attaching bolts to 59-74 ft. lbs.
5. On Scorpio models, torque four axle mount attaching bolts to 37-49 ft. lbs. On XR4Ti models, torque two inner axle mount attaching bolts to 37-41 ft. lbs. and four outer bolts to 37-50 ft. lbs.
6. On all models, route parking brake cable through body brackets, then position parking brake equalizer and install clevis pin and retaining clip.
7. Install stabilizer bar U-brackets, torquing attaching bolts to 15-18 ft. lbs.
8. Install muffler and silencer assembly, driveshaft and coil springs.
9. Bleed rear brake system and adjust parking brake.