S159 - S185
Splice S159: Near Take Out To Liftgate Release Switch
Splice S160: Under Driver's Seat
Splice S161: Rear Lamp Harness, Near Take Out To C214
Splice S162: Rear Lamp Harness, Near Take Out To Stop Turn Lamp
Splice S163: Rear Lamp Harness, Near Take Out To C214
Splice S164: Main Harness, Near Take Out To G202
Splice S165: Rear Lamp Harness, Near Take Out To C214
Splice S166: Near Seatbelt Switch
Splice S169: Near Glove Box Switch
Splice S174: In RH Front Door
Splice S175: In RH Front Door
Splice S180: Engine Control Harness, Near Take Out To C130
Splice S181: Under Driver's Seat
Splice S182: Under Passenger Seat
Splice S185: At LH Front Door Sill
Splice S189: Near Diagnostic Module Take Out