Spout Signal
PIP And SPOUT Signals:
The PIP signal is just one of many of the ECA inputs. The ECA takes all the information provided by the input sensors and creates a output signal called SPOUT (spark output). The spout signifies the engine operating condition electronically and is sent back to the TFI module, for comparison with the PIP signal. The TFI module then uses both of these signals to fire the ignition coil at the proper timing intervals.
NOTE: When setting base timing, it is necessary to disconnect the SPOUT circuit. Failure to do so will result in an inaccurate base timing.
There are two different types of SPOUT connectors used. The first type is a in-line connector and is simply disconnected for checking the timing. The second type has a shorting bar and the bar is removed from the connector to put the vehicle to base timing. Usally both connectors are located near the distributor refer to "COMPONENT LOCATION".