Evaporator Core: Service and Repair
1. Remove evaporator case as described under ``Evaporator Case, Replace.''
2. Disconnect and remove vacuum harness.
3. Remove recirculation duct and air inlet duct from evaporator case.
4. Remove support bracket from evaporator case.
5. On models equipped with Electronic Automatic Temperature Control System, proceed as follows:
a. Remove electronic connector bracket-to-recirculation duct attaching screws.
b. Disconnect high blower relay connector from speed control connector, then unfasten three connectors from bracket and remove the bracket.
c. Remove high blower relay attaching screws and the relay.
d. Remove blend door actuator attaching screws and the actuator.
6. Remove seals from evaporator core tubes.
7. Drill a 3/16 inch hole in both upright tabs on top of evaporator case.
8. Using a suitable cutting tool, cut top of evaporator case between raised outline.
9. Fold the cut out flap from opening and lift evaporator core from case.
10. Reverse procedure to install.