LEAD - (1) An elemental metal that is heavy, pliable and easily melted. (2) Abbreviated term for tetraethyl lead. (3) A wire conductor.
LEAD SULFATE - A product of the electrochemical action in a lead-acid battery. The sulfate deposit forms on the plates and slowly fouls the battery.
LIGHT-EMITTING DIODE (LED) - A positive negative junction of crystal material, housed in a dome-shaped housing, which produces light when forward bias current is applied.
LINEAR POTENTIOMETER - A variable resistance whose resistance changes in direct proportion to the travel of the moveable terminal.
LOAD - An electrical device connected into a circuit to provide a resistance and control the rate of current rate.
LOAD TEST - (1) A test for starter motors in which the current draw is measured while the engine is cranking. (2) A battery test.
LOGIC GATE - A circuit that will give an output when certain inputs are present.
LOW FREQUENCY OSCILLATIONS - The long-tracing vertical image lines which are seen in the coil section.