The front brakes can be bled in the conventional manner or with brake bleeder tool No. 104-00064 or equivalent, with or without the accumulator being charged.Brake Bleeding Less Pressure Bleeder
1. Remove dust cap from the righthand caliper bleeder fitting. Attach a rubber drain tube to fitting. Ensure that the end of the tube fits snugly around the fitting.
2. Submerge free end of the tube in a suitable container, partially filled with clean brake fluid.
3. Loosen bleeder fitting approximately three-quarter turn. Push brake pedal down slowly through full travel and hold at that position.
4. Close bleeder fitting, then return pedal to full release position. Wait five seconds, then repeat operation until air bubbles cease to appear at submerged end of bleeder tube.
5. Repeat operation at the lefthand caliper.
Brake Bleeding w/Pressure Bleeder
1. Clean all dirt from the reservoir filler cap area. Attach pressure bleeder to reservoir cap opening.
2. Maintain approximately 35 psi pressure on the system.
3. Remove dust cap from righthand front caliper bleeder fitting.
4. Attach a rubber drain tube to the fitting. Ensure that the end of the tube fits snugly around the fitting.
5. With the ignition switch in the Off position and the brake pedal in the fully released position, open the righthand front caliper bleeder fitting for 10 seconds at a time until an air free stream of brake fluid is observed from submerged end of hose.
6. Repeat procedure at lefthand caliper.