Manual Transmission/Transaxle: Service and Repair
1. Disconnect battery ground cable.2. Place transmission shift lever in Neutral position, then remove shift lever knob.
3. Remove console upper cover, then remove shifter retaining bolts and shifter.
4. Raise and support vehicle, then drain oil from transmission.
5. Remove body re-enforcement in front axle.
6. Disconnect exhaust pipe from resonator.
7. Remove driveshaft to companion flange retaining bolts.
8. Position suitable axle stand under front axle, then remove forward and rearward retaining nuts and bolt plate.
9. Remove vent tube from hole in sub-frame, then lower front axle assembly and slide driveshaft from transmission. Position drive shaft on front driveshaft support.
10. Remove catalytic converter.
11. Disconnect clutch hydraulic line from actuating cylinder.
12. Remove starter motor assembly.
13. Position suitable transmission jack under transmission, then remove crossmember.
14. Remove flywheel housing to engine attaching bolts, then remove transmission from vehicle.
15. Reverse procedure to install. Lubricate driveshaft yoke splines with C1AZ-19590-BA or equivalent prior to installation. When installing driveshaft, align index marks on flange on yoke.