Drum Brake System: Adjustments
Drum Brake Assembly:
Fig. 6 Rear Wheel Bearing Assembly:
Although the brakes are self-adjusting, Fig. 2, an initial adjustment will be necessary after a brake repair. The initial adjustment can be obtained as follows:
1. Determine inside diameter of drum brake surface using brake shoe gauge tool No. D81L-1103-A or equivalent. Adjust brake shoe diameter to fit gauge. Hold automatic adjusting lever out of engagement while rotating adjusting screw and ensure that screw turns freely.
2. Install drum and wheel assembly, then adjust wheel bearings as described in Fig. 3.
3. Complete adjustment by applying brakes several times, then check brake operation by making several stops from varying speeds. If brake drum cannot be removed for brake servicing, remove rubber plug from backing plate inspection hole.
4. Remove the brake line to axle retention bracket. This will allow sufficient room for insertion of a suitable tool to disengage adjusting lever and back off the adjusting screw.