Cylinder Head Assembly: Service and Repair
1. Rotate crankshaft to 0 degrees Top Dead Center (TDC) on the compression stroke.
2. Disconnect battery ground cable, then insulate cable end with electrical tape.
3. Drain engine cooling system.
4. Remove PCV closure hose and clean air flex tube.
5. Remove clean air flex tube from throttle body and mass air flow sensor (MAFS).
6. Locate Schrader valve on fuel rail above intake manifold, then remove protective cap.
7. Cover valve with shop towel to prevent accidental fuel spray into eyes, then using a small screwdriver or equivalent, slowly release fuel system pressure. Ensure all pressure is released.
8. Mark location of vacuum lines, then remove vacuum lines from engine.
9. Disconnect TPS, idle air bypass valve, ECT, PFE, distributor, ignition coil and coolant temperature sending unit electrical connectors.
10. Disconnect upper radiator hose from thermostat housing.
11. Loosen EGR tube retaining nuts, then remove tube.
Fig. 1 Air Intake Throttle Body Bolt Locations:
12. Remove air intake throttle body as follows:
a. Loosen air cleaner air tube retaining clamps, then remove tube.
b. Remove air bypass valve solenoid (ISC) snowshield.
c. Disconnect throttle cable from throttle body lever.
d. Remove two throttle cable bracket retaining bolts from side of throttle body, then bracket assembly.
e. Loosen and remove five air intake throttle body retaining bolts and one stud bolt noting their locations, Fig. 1.
f. Remove air intake throttle body assembly from intake manifold. Discard old gasket.
13. Disconnect fuel injector harness retainers from inboard rocker arm cover studs, then electrical connectors at each injector. Remove fuel injector harness from engine.
14. Disconnect heater hose near thermostat housing.
15. Mark spark plug wires for reference during installation, then remove ignition wires from spark plugs.
16. Mark distributor housing to cylinder block and note rotor position in relation to distributor cap.
17. Remove distributor hold-down clamp and bolt, then distributor from engine.
18. Remove oil cooler tube assembly retaining bolt from ignition coil bracket.
19. Remove ignition coil from rear of lefthand cylinder head.
20. Remove rocker arm covers.
Rocker Arm & Valve Locations:
21. Loosen cylinder No. 3 intake valve rocker arm retaining nut, then rotate arm off of pushrod and away from top of valve stem, Fig. 2. Remove the pushrod.
22. Remove intake manifold retaining bolts. Before attempting to remove intake manifold, break seal between the manifold and cylinder block. Wedge a large screwdriver between intake and cylinder block in the area between thermostat and transaxle.
23. Remove intake manifold. Intake manifold may be removed with fuel supply manifold and injectors in place.
24. If removing righthand cylinder head (rear of engine compartment), proceed as follows:
a. Remove accessory drive belt. Using a socket, rotate tensioner away from belt.
b. Remove water pump to front cover hose.
c. Raise and support vehicle, then remove lower water pump tube.
d. Remove retaining nut from upper bracket, then bolt from lower bracket. Gently grasp tube at water pump end and pull tube out of water pump. Set assembly aside.
e. Remove exhaust inlet pipe flange retaining nuts from exhaust manifold studs.
f. Lower vehicle, then remove heater hose from rear of water pump.
g. Remove water pump pulley shield, then water pump from bracket.
h. Remove exhaust manifold heat shield, then exhaust manifold.
25. If removing lefthand cylinder head (front of engine compartment), proceed as follows:
a. Remove accessory drive belt, Using a 1/2 inch breaker bar, rotate tensioner away from drive belt.
b. Remove two power steering pulley shield retaining bolts, then shield.
c. Remove drive belt tensioner retaining bolt, then tensioner.
d. Remove three alternator bracket to cylinder head retaining bolts.
e. Remove upper alternator retaining bolt, then three air conditioning brace retaining bolts and remove brace.
f. Move assembly away from cylinder head slightly.
g. Remove exhaust inlet pipe flange retaining nuts from exhaust manifold studs.
h. Remove exhaust manifold heat shield.
i. Rotate or remove engine oil dipstick tube out of way.
26. Loosen rocker arm fulcrum retaining bolts enough to allow rocker arm to be lifted off the pushrod and rotated to one side.
27. Remove pushrods. Identify position of each pushrod for installation. Pushrods should be installed in their original position during reassembly.
28. Remove cylinder head retaining bolts and discard.
29. Remove cylinder head and discard gasket. If cylinder is stuck, place a heavy steel rod or equivalent into intake port and rock cylinder head to break seal. When breaking seal, ensure removal tool does not damage machined surfaces or intake valve.
30. Immediately wipe dry the cylinder bore of any coolant which might have leaked from head removal. Apply a light coating of engine oil to cylinder bore surfaces. Engine coolant is corrosive to engine bearings and piston rings.
31. Position new head gasket on cylinder block with V-cut toward front of engine.
32. Position cylinder head to engine block over dowels.
33. Install and hand tighten new cylinder head retaining bolts.
Fig. 3 Cylinder Head Bolt Tightening Sequence:
Fig. 4 Silicone Rubber & Intake Seal Installation:
Fig. 5 Intake Manifold Tightening Sequence:
34. Torque cylinder head bolts in sequence shown in Fig. 3 as follows:
a. Torque bolts to 52-66 ft. lbs., then back off all bolts one complete turn.
b. Torque bolts in sequence to 33-41 ft. lbs.
c. Torque bolts in sequence to 63-73 ft. lbs.
35. Apply a 1/4 inch drop of silicone rubber part No. D6AZ-19562-AA or equivalent to intersection of cylinder block and cylinder head assembly at four corners as shown in Fig. 4.
36. Position intake gaskets onto cylinder heads, then front and rear intake manifold seals.
37. Carefully lower intake manifold into position aligning manifold bolt holes to those in cylinder heads.
38. Install bolt Nos. 1 through 4, Fig. 5, then hand tighten.
39. Install remaining bolts and tighten in two steps as follows:
a. Torque in numerical sequence to 15-22 ft. lbs.
b. Torque in sequence to 19-24 ft. lbs.
40. Completely coat distributor gear teeth with rear axle lubricant part No. XY-90-QL or equivalent, install retaining bolt and clamp and hand tighten.
41. Lubricate pushrods and rocker arms with oil conditioner part No. D9AZ-195579-CA or equivalent and install pushrods.
42. Move rocker arms into position with pushrods, then tighten retaining bolts.
43. Rotate crankshaft 360 degrees (one full turn) in a clockwise direction from 0 degrees TDC.
44. Torque rocker arm retaining bolts shown in camshaft position A, Fig. 2 to 5-11 ft. lbs.
45. Rotate crankshaft 120 degrees in a clockwise direction. Torque remainder of rocker arms to 5-11 ft. lbs.
46. Torque rocker arm retaining bolts to 19-28 ft. lbs. Fulcrum must be fully seated into cylinder head and pushrod must be fully seated in rocker arm and lifter sockets prior to final torque.
47. Reverse remaining procedure to complete installation.