Water Pump Assembly:
Water Pump And Hoses:
NOTE: lightly oil all bolt and stud threads before installation except those specifying special sealant.
CAUTION: Use care when scraping as aluminum gouges easily which may form leak paths.
1. Clean gasket surfaces on water pump and front cover. If replacing water pump, transfer pulley to new pump.
2. Align water pump to bracket. Install two retaining bolts and stud bolt. Tighten to 20-30 N-m (15-22 lb-ft).
3. Install water pump inlet tube. Lubricate water pump end of tube with Silicon Lubricant COAZ-19553-AA (ESR-M-13P4-A) or equivalent before inserting into water pump. Install retaining nut to water pump inlet tube bracket and stud bolt and tighten to 7 N-m (7-10 lb-ft). Install lower tube bracket retaining bolt and tighten to 8-13 N-m (71-106 lb-ft).
4. Lower vehicle.
5. Install water pump pulley shield. Tighten retaining nut to 9-14 N-m (7-10 lb-ft).
6. Install heater hose to front cover hose. Tighten hose clamp to 2.3-3.4 N-m (20-30-lb-in).
7. Install water pump to front cover hose. Tighten retaining clamps to 2.1-4.1 N-m (19-37 lb-in).
8. Install 4K drive belt. Route belt same as removed.
9. Fill and bleed cooling system.
10. Connect battery ground cable.
11. Start engine and check for coolant leaks.