Distributor: Service and Repair
REMOVAL1. Disconnect negative battery cable.
2. Disconnect coil wire from distributor.
Distributor Unit:
3. Remove distributor cap attaching screws.
4. Pull distributor cap off and position it aside.
Distributor Unit:
5. Disconnect distributor electrical connector.
6. If distributor unit is not being replaced, scribe a reference mark across the distributor base flange and cylinder head. Note rotor position for installation reference.
Distributor Unit:
7. Remove distributor unit.
Distributor Unit:
8. Remove O-ring from distributor unit.
1. Install a new O-ring on distributor unit.
Distributor Unit:
NOTE: When installing distributor unit, make sure that offset drive tangs engage with camshaft slots.
2. Position distributor unit and install mounting bolts. If distributor was not replaced, align reference marks made during removal and tighten the mounting bolts.
3. Install distributor electrical connector.
4. Install distributor cap and screws.
5. Install coil wire.
6. Install negative battery cable.
7. Check and adjust ignition timing and idle speed.