A/T - G4AEL, G4AHL, F4EAT, F4AEL Shift Feel Complaints
SUBJECT: Shift Feel Complaints
DATE: Aug 1993
G4A-EL / G4A-HL / F4EAT / F4A-EL
Many shift feel concerns on the units listed above may be modified to help reduce or eliminate customer complaints. Listed in this bulletin are descriptions of several servo return springs which can be used to help fine tune shift feel A basic application guide for use is listed below.
There is a limit as to what servo return spring calibrations can accomplish. However, considering the difficulty and time involved to R & R the valve body (especially G4A-EL and G4A-HL) it can be very cost effective to at least try a different spring.
Keep in mind that these springs will not fix an assembly error such as;
^ Incorrect clearances
^ Stuck valves
^ Mis-located valve body orifices or balls
^ Mis-adjusted TV
^ Wrong valve body gaskets, etc.
Spring Identification
Spring # 1- This is the weakest spring listed here.
Part # F1CZ -7D028-A Color code - Yellow
Original application:
Escort/Tracer F4EAT - 1.9L engine applications
Dimensions (approximate)
Free length 1.680"
Outside diameter 1.040"
Wire diameter 104"
Tension 25lbs at 1.100"
Spring # 2 - Most common G4A-EL and F4EAT spring.
Part # E92Z - 7D028A Color code - Plain
Original application:
Non-Turbo G4A-EL/G4A-HL
Escort/Tracer F4EAT - 1.8L engine applications
Dimensions (approximate)
Free length 1.700"
Outside diameter 1.090"
Wire diameter 125"
Tension 50lbs at 1.100"
Spring # 3 - Service replacement spring for F4EAT
Part # F1CZ-7D028-B Color code - Red
Original application:
Released for rough 1-2 and 3-4 upshift on F4EAT
Dimensions (approximate)
Free length 1.710"
Outside diameter 1.110"
Wire diameter 137"
Tension 55lbs at 1,100"
Spring # 4 - This is the strongest spring listed here.
Part # F02Z-7D028-A Color code - Blue
Original application:
G4A-EL turbocharged engine applications
Dimensions (approximate)
Free length 1.570"
Outside diameter 1.090"
Wire diameter 137"
Tension 60lbs at 1.100"