Cylinder Head Assembly: Service and Repair
On 1994 models equipped with airbags, disable airbag system prior to performing service operation as possible airbag deployment may cause personal injury.
1. Raise and secure hood.
2. Relive fuel pressure.
3. Disconnect battery ground cable.
4. Drain cooling system and disconnect heater hose at fitting located under intake manifold.
5. Remove air cleaner assembly.
6. Remove PCV hose from air cleaner assembly.
7. Label, then disconnect and or remove all electrical connectors, vacuum hoses, accelerator and transaxle kickdown cables and brackets from cylinder head assembly.
8. Remove upper radiator hose.
9. Remove oil level tube mounting nut from cylinder head stud.
10. Remove power steering hose and A/C line retainer bracket bolts from alternator bracket.
11. Remove accessory drive belt, then alternator and drive belt automatic tensioner.
12. Raise vehicle, then remove right side splash shield.
13. Remove crankshaft dampener, catalytic converter inlet pipe and starter motor wiring harness retaining clip below intake manifold.
14. Set engine No. 1 cylinder to TDC.
15. Lower vehicle.
16. Support engine with floor jack.
17. Remove righthand engine mount dampener, then right hand mount retaining bolts from mount bracket on engine.
18. Loosen righthand engine mount thru-bolt and roll mount back out of way.
19. Remove timing belt cover.
20. Loosen belt tensioner attaching bolt, then pry tensioner as far forward as possible. Tighten attaching bolt in this position.
21. Remove timing belt.
22. Roll righthand engine mount bracket back into position, then install mounting bolts.
23. Lower floor jack, then remove heater hose support bracket retaining bolt (starter motor bolt).
24. Remove alternator bracket to cylinder head mounting bolt.
25. Remove rocker arm cover.
26. Remove and set aside cylinder head bolts and washers (used if needed for squish height check). New bolts must be used for final assembly.
26. Remove cylinder head with exhaust and intake manifolds attached.
27. Remove cylinder head gasket. Do not lay cylinder head flat. Damage to the spark plugs, valves or gasket surfaces may result.
Fig. 7 Cylinder Head Bolt Tightening Sequence:
28. Reverse procedure to install, noting the following:
a. Before final installation of the cylinder head, check piston squish height as described in SQUISH HEIGHT CHECK. Testing and Inspection
b. Torque new cylinder head bolts in sequence shown in Fig. 1, first to 44 ft. lbs. Loosen bolts approximately two turns, then torque bolts in sequence to 44 ft. lbs. Turn bolts an additional 90 degrees in sequence, then an additional 90 degrees.
c. Crankshaft must be rotated so that the No. 1 piston is 90 degrees before top dead center (BTDC). Turn crankshaft until the pulley keyway is at 9 o'clock position, then time valve train by turning camshaft until keyway is at the 6 o'clock position. Camshaft and crankshaft must not be turned until after the installation of the timing gears and timing belt.