C151 - C200
Connector -- LocationC151 Fear of engine compartment, at bulkhead
C152 Fear of engine compartment, at bulkhead
C153 Left side of throttle body
C154 Left side of engine
C155 Left side of engine
C156 Left center of engine compartment
C157 In exhaust manifold
C158 Left side of engine compartment, at transaxle
C159 LF corner of engine compartment
C160 In intake plenum
C161 Left side of engine compartment
C162 At ignition Coil
C163 Mounted on bulkhead, behind throttle body
C164 Rear of engine compartment, at bulkhead
C165 Pear center of engine compartment, behind throttle body
C166 Rear of engine compartment, at bulkhead
C168 Left center of engine compartment
C169 Right center of engine compartment
C170 RR of engine compartment
C171 Left center of engine compartment
C172 LR corner of engine compartment, at bulkhead
C173 RR of engine compartment
C174 RF of engine compartment
C175 Lower left side of transaxle
C176 Fear of condenser
C177 RR of engine compartment
C180 LR corner of engine compartment, at bulkhead
C181 Top of #1 cylinder
C182 Top of #3 cylinder
C183 Top of #2 cylinder
C184 Top of #4 cylinder
C185 Near injector #3
C186 LR corner of engine compartment, at bulkhead
C187 Fear center of engine compartment, near bulkhead
C200 In steering column