SUCTION ACCUMULATOR/DRIER REPLACEMENT GUIDELINESNOTE: Replacement of the suction accumulator/drier is necessary anytime a major component of the refrigerant system is replaced. A major component includes A/C condenser core, A/C compressor, A/C evaporator core, or a refrigerant hose/line. An A/C evaporator core orifice or 0-ring seal is not considered a major component but the A/C evaporator core orifice should be replaced whenever the A/C compressor is replaced for lack of performance.
In addition to the preceding condition, the suction accumulator/drier should also be replaced if one of the following conditions exist:
^ The suction accumulator/drier is perforated.
^ The refrigerant system has been opened to the atmosphere for a period of time longer than required to make a minor repair.
^ There is evidence of moisture in the system such as internal corrosion of metal refrigerant lines or the refrigerant oil is thick and dark.
NOTE: The A/C compressor oil from vehicles equipped with an FX-15 A/C compressor may have a dark color while maintaining a normal oil viscosity. This is normal for this A/C compressor because carbon from the A/C compressor piston rings will discolor the oil and should not be confused with contaminated oil.
When replacing the suction accumulator/drier, the procedure given here must be followed to ensure that the total oil charge in the system is correct after the new suction accumulator/drier is installed.
1. Drain the oil from the removed suction accumulator/drier into a suitable measuring container. It may be necessary to drill one or two 1/2 inch holes in the bottom of the old suction accumulator/drier to ensure that all the oil has drained out.
2. Add the same amount of clean new refrigerant oil plus two fluid ounces to the new suction accumulator/drier. Use only the oil specified for the specific vehicle being serviced.